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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Steve Dodson looking at some of Gerry Coleman's vintage marbles Wanda Issacs and Tom Jinks. They come all the way from Missouri.
  2. More in room shopping - This is our youngest collector. He made quite a haul of marbles.
  3. Bobby Newman and Neysa and the Taylors. The Taylors make game boards for marbles and this year they had some hickory or cedar wooden crosses decorated with marbles. I didn't do a pic of the one I bought. I already took it to my church to hang on our cross wall. Eddie and Madalyn Poteet with Jayson Massey. Raymond Anderson at our show entry table. The big jewel in front of him was a gift he bought for his wife. Sherry usually comes to our shows, but she didn't make this one. The Burch family found us by reaching our web site. The collector in the group is the girl in the front row, Rylee. A trip to the marble show was her birthday present this year. She is 11. They came Friday for in room trading and returned on Saturday for the show. They joined the club and we hope to see them again in Round Rock in April.
  4. Somebody's Akro Agate one inch corkscrew keep box - can't remember whose it was. Jayson Massey, marble maker from Kansas at Jim Garber's table.
  5. Greg Hoglin marbles. Greg lives in New Mexico. Rick Howard and Phil Antalis Rick Howard and Calvin Griffith - These are Calvin's marbles. Jane Armstrong. Judy Davis did not get to attend.
  6. Gerry Coleman, marble maker from New Mexico. Greg Hoglin brought him to our show and we hope he comes back in April. Some of Gerry's beautiful marbles.
  7. Bobby Newman and his daughter Neysa. She has adopted me as her Aunt Edna. Linda Christensen and Greg Hoglin.
  8. Jane Armstrong with the wife and daughter of Jayson Massey. Barbara Shuey, aunt of Steve Dodson.
  9. Our Texas Marble Collectors website has helped us get new members. Adrian Hernandez is one of our new members signed up at the Ft. Worth show. I took most of my pics while our members were setting up for the show or shopping at each other's tables. This is Raymond Anderson, Steve Dodson, and Jack Lockridge.
  10. Is it OK with you to add some pics I took here?
  11. I've got some like yours Bill.
  12. I bought 5 of the transparent base cub scouts. The person I bought them from told me they were packaged for export only, not sold here. I forgot where they told me the marbles were sent. Maybe Australia. Anybody know for sure. Wish I had written it down.
  13. Duffy, I bought an old style Marble King Cub Scout at the Texas show that is on a transparent base. Know anything about that?
  14. I have to say my 11 year old would not be rude or use rude words or challenge those who post with questions. There is a big difference in behavior. You guys could be right.
  15. Nice to see you at the Texas show. I think we all got some nice marbles.
  16. I have an 11 year old grandson who has been collecting marbles, hanging out with marble makers, going to marble shows, learning, etc all of his last 10 years. He also has very good grammar skills. he's exceptionally bright and very interested in marbles. Not hard for me to believe even if it's not true in this case.
  17. I got some more of these in 5/8 tonight from Jim Garber. Biscuits and red eye gravy. I brought my sweet peas and blackeyed peas and those new ones and Jim Garber says I am right about their construction being the "pea family". He told me he had never noticed that before. Now I'm going to look for that construction in other colors.
  18. Dan, Matt Sink has some of these and he has heard them called "biscuits and red eye gravy". Willie Benoit has some and Linda Moore Simmons has some.
  19. I think Bert Wilkins and Rick Hall were there and I missed somebody else between those two also. There was someone I don't know there. Sorry I can't tell you who. There were a bunch down toward The Wells that I don't know.
  20. it's my favorite festival too. I missed pics of Danny Grocki, Griff, and Phillip Arthur. Danny and Griff weren't at their booths when I was taking pics, but I remember taking one of Phillip. Funny how digital pics just disappear. Guess I'll have to do a better job of checking to see if the pic "took".
  21. Steph is right about blends. They don't count as a color. They really don't mix and the blend is created by chemicals in one glass that are not compatible with the other glass. Many of the greens contain copper and react with reds and yellows to discolor the red or yellow. It may look black or brown at the edges where the two glasses meet. Sometimes it discolors all of the red or yellow glass.
  22. I didn't get these at either place. They are hand mades by Cheryl Hamon Jackson. All are 5/8th inch and smaller. They are boro marbles. These are Jackson marbles given to me by Howard Powell Sistersville marbles honoring David McCullough Standing Stone marbles for the Rolley Hole tournament.
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