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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. The new ones have 4 vanes, each vane is a different color.
  2. They are definitely vitro. I have those marbles. They look like bullseyes except for the base glass. The base glass on these is opaque, but the patches are the same colors as the bullseyes. Some of them have "v's" and some have patches like eyes. I have the green and the blue ones. I've never seen one in purple like the bullseye purple color.
  3. I found one years ago in Mississippi. I gave it to Gary. Gary, my son told me that in England there is a sausage with black spots - thus the spotted dick. BUT the marble doesn't look like the sausage.
  4. Since they are now selling on ebay for cheap, I don't think people who were buying at Sistersville would sell them for less than they paid. There has to be some other explanation for where they are coming from. Some of the marbles were selling for $50 each and some for $10 with some priced in between.
  5. I was at Sistersville when Beri Fox sold a few. Everyone who bought them agreed not to sell them. Before I could get home, there were some for sale on ebay. Some were sold before Beri ever sold at Sistersville. At that point Beri Fox had not sold any or given any, yet somebody at a flea market had sold to a dealer. We are our own worst enemy???????? Or thieves abound? Or someone who promised not to resell did???
  6. I got the catalog today too. I've never bought from Morphy's. It came addressed to Edna and Weldon Eaton. They must have an old list from God knows where.
  7. I recognize these marbles, but it says in the auction description - Fred Wilganowski. Fred was making these in the 1990's and still does. Fred is a Texan and very skilled with the torch.
  8. I think the lutz machine mades are beautiful and I haven't sold any of mine. I've kept them all. I have bought boxes to display the best of them. And the rest? They're neatly sorted, waiting for Joseph.
  9. You must be at the ladies run???? What a great sport you are. I'm proud to call you my friend. Nice dress. Edna
  10. Are you sure it's not a buttonhook? You know, with the hook part messed up.
  11. The Sistersville Marble Festival is in WEST VIRGINIA. It is always on the last weekend in September.
  12. Radisson Hotel Fort Worth North Fossil Creek 2540 Meacham Blvd Ft. Worth, TX, 76106 phone # 817 625 9911 Room Rate: $89.00 per night Cut off Date 9/16/2010 Hotel Website – www.radisson.com/ftworthtx north In room trading October 13-15, Workshop & Dinner Friday Oct 15, Show on Saturday October 16 9:00AM -3:00 PM Show Coordinator: Calvin Griffith, 817 281 7755 Reserve your table now for the October 16th show in Ft. Worth Tables are $30.00 for Members and $40.00 for non members Tables are reserved when paid: Send payment to Texas Marble Collectors, 5901 Cathy Court; Ft. Worth, TX 76148 <BR clear=all>
  13. Our Texas marble show is next week. In room trading is Wednesday Oct. 13 through Friday Oct. 15. We have dinner together Friday night and then Jim Garber, one of our own members is doing a presentation on Vitro Agate marbles. Jim has been writing Vitro Agate articles for the Texas Newsletter. Our show is Saturday oct. 16th. We're going to be at the north Ft. Worth Radisson Hotel. It's located on Meacham Blvd. just off Interstate 35.
  14. Grainy sounds like clay to me. Tom's marbles are very smooth.
  15. Someone does own it now. He's an attorney I believe and digging is no longer allowed. Ron knows the name. The neighbors living near the old site keep a close watch on it too. They are not hesitant to call the police. Sorry, I can'tlhelp you with the name, but it's not Rick. He never really owned it. And I've probably said too much.
  16. Your second marble is made by Tom Thornburgh. He lives in Huntington, West Virginia. I've never seen one like your first, but I think it's also a Thornburgh. Look close at them for sort of "pin pricks". They are caused by the stilts the marbles are placed on for kiln firing.
  17. The yellow shows up good in yours. It's kind of buried in mine.
  18. Claudia .958 inches That's all in the neighborhood of one inch unless I post the patches. Have a lot of those. Then I do have a few in the neighborhood of 3/4 inch. Let's see some more. They are not all in Texas.
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