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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Bill those with the grey-beige base #3,4,and 5 are nice. I haven't seen those before. Edna Paula, they do look like JABO. Really funny isn't it? Dug at Akro, deep down, long before JABO. Amazing what came out of the ground there.
  2. vitro color is on the surface. it was veneered to save money on expensive colored glass.
  3. That is a sight I never wish to see. The mail came, I got it. Thanks! Edna
  4. Well, I'm one of the people Griff was defending from the name calling. I appreciated his standing up for all of us. I am regularly called a b.tch, wh.re, and a c.nt at that board. It isn't funny to me or my family and when Galen brings Griff's defense over here, maybe he should have been banned at that point. BUT Lou was giving him freedom of speech. It was only when those affected by the names and other dirty deeds of Galen started complaining that some of you began gritching at us. Don't we have the same freedom of speech that Galen has? Don't we have the right to expect civility and decency here? I agree about the purpose of this board. It should be about marbles... the thing most of us love. But somebody must enjoy stirring up stinks more than marbles and continues to do it. I am being facetious with the use of "someone". Galen seems to love that word when he does his accusations. Somebody needs to be silenced here. I don't care if you "men" want to talk about females in that manner in the outhouse, but don't bring it to a public forum and expect us to keep quiet about it. You should all be demanding that those who do be banned immediately. Galen could not do this at LOM or MM. What do you want from Lou? You demand freedom of speech, but want to silence criticism of improper use of freedom of speech? You guys need to man up! Help us stop the accusations, falsehoods, made up stories, and bringing filthy words here. JMHO Peace (facetious) Edna
  5. Sorry about this. i got my post in the wrong place. I've deleted it here and moved it where I meant it to be. Edna
  6. Well David, they are obviously so deluded by Galen that they think it's OK to bring the trash over here from MKA and it's OK to trash us with their filthy words at MKA. What if it were your mother, wife, grandmother, sister, daughter, being called those filthy words. Would you still condone it for freedom of speech? What about common decency? What about responsibility for everyone's rights. what about our right to not be called those filthy words or lied about in a manner that impugns our good character? David, and all the rest of us... Lou included, maybe our only recourse in fighting the lies, accusations, filth is to let it go on, but ban Galen, Dave Elkins, from this board. Both posted filth here. And lock down the thread and move it so that we can all continue to see Galens ridiculous BS but it won't be on the main page. Thinking people will still be able to see Galen's best work on this board - lies, insinuations, accusations, made up stories, hurtful stories, and the filth he brought over... Plus his BS excuses and explanations. Peace, Edna
  7. cloudy base, green and white cork - too bad i can't focus in on it just loose corks, in the center is an orange spiral in an orang transparent glass that we talked about in another thread. Most of these are dug patches.The bottom marble is on a cloudy, opalescent base with corks of blue, orange, and yellow purple corks 2nd row, purple and yellow corks, very hard to find 4th row, purple and green corks also difficult to find spirals, top two rows are blue and white spirals Would you believe akro patches? I wouldn't, except that I bought two of them from Bud Cloven who got them from Roger Hardy. I got the third one last week in a batch of alley, akro, peltier, and champion.
  8. More corks akro agate patches - dug Jess, this is the marble you wanted more pics of. On the 4th row there is a yellow and white spiral on the left and in the middle of the row is a red and blue spiral
  9. Jess, no green in that marble, just blue. I guess it's just the way the light affects it.
  10. yeah, I was headed toward vitro. In pic # 5 i see a tell tale fold.
  11. White based with two other colors. That's all this morning. Have some errands I have to do. Edna
  12. top row - limeades Double ingots.... bottom row has a double ingot sparkler. Bo Stiff has a triple ingot sparkler. oxbloods Really pretty cork, lots of color, slightly under 5/8 inch BUT, TOO BAD..... it is wounded.
  13. Does any part of that corky looking band of colors look like it might be a "V"? Edna does it look like the surface might be white and the base might be clear? LOL, I'm not very good ID'ing from pics. Wish I could hold it in my hand and turn it around. Steph is great from pics.
  14. You're right. The colors look strange for akro. I'm still studying it. It's pretty, whatever it is.
  15. No Jess, I don't have any other pics of that marble. BUT I'll so some tomorrow. You need to PM me your address for mailing. Edna
  16. Some nice marbles, Craig. Especially for a guy who doesn't collect them. Don't think this is all akro, I just kinda got stuck posting it. we've been posting other stuff too. Post what you want. We all love marbles. Edna
  17. akro patches middle row green onyx Jess, top row blue on blue Finding 5 green and yellow corks took me a long time. Jess, the blue on blue sitting on top of the green and yellow is the one I told you about. I forgot to measure it, but I know it's bigger than 5/8 bottom two rows are pumpkin. The bottom row is half and half.
  18. sissydear

    Anacortes Bag

    Don't open! Find marbles loose that are in that bag and hold them to your heart's content. Edna
  19. Black corks the green and black were very hard for me to find. I need another black and red for this box, but haven't searched for it because I have 5 others in another box. rows 3 and 4 are two different kinds of Indian Blankets. The oxblood spiral was a gift, an extra someone sent me along with the marble I bought. Carnelians - Jess all of these light up with a blacklight. All of these are corks. akro did make these in a patch type and also some that look just like them without the UV glass. I just preferred these. LOL Mostly white base with 2 other colors Slags (I have no idea which company) Chances are good that they are all akro so I keep them in an akro box.
  20. When I get to the blue on blue marbles, I'll be sure to tell you to take notice, cause I know I have an extra one of those.
  21. Well, they probably don't react to UV. The glass doesn't look quite right for that on most of them. They are pretty marbles. How long have you been collecting? Edna
  22. You have some nice ones there Jess. Edna
  23. That second marble in the second row is full of air bubbles.
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