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Everything posted by tankgrrl29

  1. i like the ones with pink. i still get heartsick when i think of the package i mailed steve for christmas that never arrived. i'd found a few MMs with pink and had included them in the box. grrr! i hope whoever got them at least appreciated them
  2. very cool!! did you hear any stories you can share? it's nice to get a glimpse of older times through someone else's eyes.
  3. hey greg, what a lucky and awesome find! how'd you find it? got any shots of the rest of the box? thanks so much for sharing
  4. tankgrrl29

    A few pelts

    wow, BJ, that marble is AWESOME! steve, now who's holding out? what's that purple & green looking one right next to your red and green (toward the top, middle-ish of the picture)? windy, looks like you have a super-duper htf purple on caramel in the upper right of your first picture. i have one that is all purple with red ribbons - no caramel showing. it's in the pics i posted above. have you ever backlit it?
  5. tankgrrl29

    A few pelts

    hey bj, my black, yellow & white is some kind of clear rainbo style, i think. is yours really black white and green? wow. got any pictures? is it for sale or trade? this one i have is kinda raggedy looking - the ribbons, i mean. it is kind of hard to catch the pelt features in it. almost looks like a cats-eye. lol @ charles actually, #4 has agoraphobia, but i know where it's twin is edit: kris, i love that shooter in your last picture, and that sunset just to the left of it. very cool!!
  6. tankgrrl29

    A few pelts

    i finally had a little extra time to snap some pictures out of my keeper box (translation: i have a ton of crap to do, and i'm procrastinating ) hopefully i can pay some of you back for all the times you made me drool and cry! :lol:
  7. i didn't know bill, but i'm sorry you lost a friend, jerry. best wishes to you ~chris
  8. shew! i'm so glad you didn't tell us
  9. Shareef don't like it, but Smitty rocks the Casbah!

  10. that's weird.....the link is giving me a "topic not found" message
  11. hi dinkybus, thank you for posting that wonderful tribute. sounds like i missed knowing a great guy. what was bob's ebay name? maybe some of us have his marbles in our collections. welcome to the forum, by the way! ~chris
  12. tankgrrl29


    cool drizzle that gauzy-thin white is a CA characteristic too, isn't it?
  13. i'm kinda surprised that seahorse didn't go for more, given its history
  14. i agree akro - it looks like it's got the akro "cap"
  15. Nice! About the rootbeer floats, do you know how much for them?
  16. damn! looks like i'm gonna have to go make some of my own
  17. tankgrrl29

    Red Slags

    finally had a few minutes to enjoy the show.....really nice stuff, everyone! i don't have any photos of any red ones, but here are a few harder-to-find colors.... (david, you didn't happen to save pictures of that killer maple MFC i bought from you, did you?)
  18. what a sweety!!! thanks for givin us a peek
  19. cool, dustin - reminds me of my "naked superman"
  20. very nice, jane! thanks for sharing
  21. i have a question - where can i get some?! (got one way back through craig, but i need more! actually, if you can just get those back from buddy, that'll do me ok )
  22. "in the wild" at a marble show? erm...............nevermind love the Berry Pink, brad!!
  23. hmm.......there shouldn't be any reproductions that look like real blackies, but there are some that could look similar to a newby eye. Marble King made some black based with two patches of red or blue or green. also, vitro did package some in labeled bags that looked like pukey versions of the older ones. dang it, i can't find a picture. the colors were kinda gross and smeary if i recall.
  24. that first one is SO COOL!! and a red latty? shoot, i don't have one, so you're way ahead of me! i think they both look great
  25. stunning colors!! and the designs are gorgeous as well!
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