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Everything posted by tankgrrl29

  1. patry, that's one of those new MKs - i have a whole mess of em i got in sistersville. JUST KIDDING!!! hope i didn't startle you really cool marble!!!
  2. oh man. i never met norm, but i know his name from all the nice things steve's said about him over the past couple years. i'm really sorry to hear of his passing, and my thoughts go to you that will be missing him.
  3. very sad news...i think i remember seeing his picture from some shows. what a shame for his family and friends.
  4. AAAAAAAGGHHHH!!!! I'M BLIND! I'M BLIND!!!!! what a way to go
  5. i will speak for myself only - and point out (since it seems to have been overlooked previously) that this is an opinion and my personal preference... i collect peltier marbles. i don't necessarily think they made "the prettiest marbles", but something about them is in my blood. i love their sick colors they used sometimes, and i love the fact that there's an endless variety to the rainbos. i love knowing that they were made not far from here; i loved when i got to dig for some near the factory; i loved getting to see the paperwork and correspondence hand-written by the guy who made the marbles i collect; i love finding all the oddball bananas and the footballs and the flatties. so for me, it's not about getting a killer box of "primo" examples that i can use to enter a show-off contest with other collectors, it's about connecting to the marbles on a more 'human' level - if there is such a thing. the orange peel surface that appears on some of the marbles makes them seem closer somehow to the real people working in the real factory making the ACTUAL marbles that ended up with me. finding the orange peel glass once in a while is like finding an old letter from a friend. it's like a re-connection of sorts. edit: in case anyone missed these from the other post, these all have "a slight" orange peel surface:
  6. the aquarium theory sounds best in my mind so far. the 'frosting' on yours doesn't look quite as 'clean' as the ones buddy showed. maybe someone collected peewees and thought they looked nice in the fish tank? i wonder if they ever could've been sold as a substitute for gravel?
  7. those are cool - the inside construction looks slightly older (60-70's?) supposedly fenton frosted some vitro marbles; do the insides look like vitro cats?
  8. yes you did send me one - i thought i recognized that style in your picture. steph's looks to be that MM-mimic construction plus it's all opaque. the one you sent me has "wadded in a ball" construction with some transparent + opaque glass swirling.
  9. gary, that metallic is COOL! david, yours have a different look - where's that picture RAR posted of the venezuelan marbles? (too lazy to search )
  10. cool! bob's picture has one that looks like kin to that other one of steph's. sword, i'm sure you must've seen these before - they come up on ebay sometimes (although often at a higher price than they're worth) here's the box: and here's a close-up of the "oxbloods" william, do you still have any of those clear based ones? i really like them, and i remember you saying something about tossing them? i'll send you a few bucks and take some off your hands if you have any "extras".
  11. those imperial Master Made Mimics started showing up about 3 or 4 years ago. some of us were scrambling to k-mart for the box sets that had the blue with oxblood. (LOSERS! LOL) your one on the right has "the look" and it seems to be an especially nice one (if that's not an oxymoron). the one on the left looks different enough to make me have questions too, but they're always coming up with different ones - someone else may recognize it.
  12. please tell me you're not supposed to get a little ball in that donkey's butt?!! omg, that's so weird - those trick ears look so familiar!
  13. darn it - forgot to say COOL BOX! i don't recall seeing those bigger window marbles in an original package before. anyone know what a Rusket is?
  14. nice warning, jon, but i'd be more worried about looking like a bigot than incurring the wrath of lizzy.
  15. my understanding was that "ade" was a name given by collectors to a group of fruity looking (sometimes swirling, sometimes corking) marbles that fluoresced - i.e. "they were super-ceded in having their own specific names" lemonade, limeade, cherryade, orangeade, blueberryade - with some tossing in the carnelians (brownades?) being scientifically minded, my interpretation of the hardy's comment about "certainly most" glow, meaning sorry we haven't tested 100% of them, so we can't speak in absolutes, but generally speaking the answer is yes. obviously i'm not a mind reader, just saying how i took the comment.
  16. are you sure? that doesn't seem to fit with the exchange jeff had with the hardys: and if it's about construction, not fluorescence, then why wouldn't you call the blue & yellow ones ades? wouldn't silver oxbloods also be ades by that logic? could the ringer boxes be referring to the game of Ringer? champion jr bags were referring to the number of marbles in the bags, but people mistakenly call a certain marble style "champion jrs". .....not trying to be argumentative, just trying to fit everything together with this new information.
  17. dang. i thought that was a basic, marbles 101-level no-brainer, that "ades" by definition are fluorescent. i know some carnelians don't fluoresce - esp the oxbloods. but a lemonade that doesn't fluoresce is just a lemon swirl (that's how i learned it anyway) so a cobalt & eggyolk ace is also an ade? that's it. i quit!
  18. huh? j/k my opinion of the orange peel surface on peltiers is that it mostly appears on black glass, and seems to be on older marbles (nlrs and patches). i don't think it affects the value or desirability in any way + or - others may feel differently. (as evidenced by the above comments)
  19. thanks for all the input! 1. what's a riker mount? 2. galen, i LOVE the Greek Mother 3. hi lisa! i totally get what you're describing about the foam-board 4. galen, you've been holding out on us - nice work! 5. lisa, what's the value lecture? i think that was my real question - how do i decide if the magazine is valuable enough to compensate for the extra hassle of leaving it attached? thanks!!!
  20. for those who collect vintage magazines with marble artwork on the covers, do you ever frame them? if so, do you take the cover off the magazine? or frame the entire thing together? i have a few magazines i'd like to display...what are your thoughts or experiences? thanks! ~chris
  21. you might not be satisfied with any answer until you show it in hand to a few people. from here they look jabo-ish, but if they're older, they're some kind of "WV swirl" that got "messed up" somehow. here are a few jabos from the 2003 run - they produced some extraordinary marbles that year, including those fancy supermen.
  22. oooooooooh pretttyyyyyyyyyy!!! i also like to call it "the ear"
  23. chris robinson made some marbles that had that "road & tunnel" feature.
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