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Everything posted by I LOVE MARBLES

  1. Nice score Gene! What did you have to pay? Looks like some sweet marbles & a super board!!! Looks like a single ribbon just left of center!
  2. Yes Delotronic, that is an old Akro Agate corkscrew. Though somewhat uncommon colors, with a small chip in the last pic, maybe worth $20. IMHO.
  3. Think there is a company, House of marbles? Anyway they make marbles with the same colors as Vacor, but the ones they make are nicer, better quality. Is anyone familiar with those marbles? Pictures please? Thanks Mike for the pics! The subject of marbles is a continues learning experience!
  4. Will agree with you on that, Mike! Here is another....... This seller knows the difference...... He is just a rip-opff crook, safe haven on ebay for all these bastards!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-41-64-PELTIER-NLR-SUPERMAN-MINT-CONDITION-9-5-/320544466515?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Marbles&hash=item4aa1f06653
  5. know that Allen/onebloomranch sold me a black base with yellow and white striping glass as a wicked owl. maybe he was not correct on the call. it was a Vacor marble though.
  6. I'llhavethat1 that is not a Wicked Owl, the marble is black base with yellow and white ribbons!
  7. Rich did you know breaking off the cloudy glass before re-melting eliminates the spit looking scum when finished? Rich, Grandpa alway said, "Anything worth doing, is worth doing well." Steph, Grandma always said, "Words are like feathers, once they're out you can never get them back in." Something in my own nature does not always alow me to remember that one!!!
  8. One day will learn to ignor the phone and the door....when these marbles are going off! Missed this one 27/32" & mint!
  9. A few nice "Greiner" marbles went off on ebay tonight & one incredible! http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-MINT-11-16-H-G-GROUND-PONTIL-OXBLOOD-SLAG-WOW-/170495466282?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Marbles&hash=item27b2525b2a&autorefresh=true
  10. OK Al, don't make me go digging thru my Vacors & take pics with the 1 mega pix, i bet you have pics or an original bag of the "Wicked Owl" marbles.
  11. Sorry man, thought everybody knew Vacor/Mega marketed marbles as "Wicked Owls" that look real close to the one listed!
  12. Quote: "tupelo: damnitman (lol) I got a turkey on one side a toucan on the other and look'n for a wicked owl. It probably needs a leash." Damnitman David don't get whimpy on me now man! There is a sequential order to things you know. Don't want people thinking ya saw a Wicked Owl. CAC sure aint the only ones to make turkeys ya know, and you're still lookin for your leash or is this thread just too political for ya man? Just askin, Scott. I Love Marbles & want y'all to know that.
  13. Got any opinions on this? Received a pm on this several hours after looking at it myself and we both thought the same thing. Love this seller and think he's ebay's best, almost wonder about posting this because the auction is still going..... http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-MINT-19-32-CAC-PURPLE-YELLOW-PINK-SWIRL-/350365375944?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Marbles&hash=item5193675dc8 Will only add...... anyone can and will make mistakes on IDing machinemade marbles, including myself, may be wrong on what i think this is......just received word from seller it is from a row in an old original box! What do y'all think this marble is?
  14. Not a fake but a machine made marble from a company; Vacor de Mexico. They market them with the name "Serpent".
  15. That is too funny dr.trj!!! Hope to see you in Seattle soon!
  16. Nice Akro mibs Roger, really like that big triple cork bumble bee!!! Man Don those mibs look better than most that came in that box!!!
  17. Galen........may be am wrong but think Brian is talking about the 4th marble from the left top row in this pic. The marble i asked about is in the other big pic red/black cork bottom of pic left of that count 4 marbles up. Will agree the marbles in post #4 are new. Do not see a pontil on the marble in post #12.
  18. Galen what's that shooter size yellow base with black in the middle of the first pic?
  19. WOW Dani is that a one inch purple popeye in post 90???!!!! Sure looks like it is!!!! Guess will have to take more Akro pics! This last pic taken by Dani (zaboo thanks Dani) is a microcosm of the types of marbles i collect, (all of them) there are 3 great Akro's in this pic!!! Post 100 Yah!!!
  20. Over half the board glows Buddy. Awesome Akro's, Wow Holy Crap on that Moonie Sub-Cork & Purple too!!! one to go!
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