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Everything posted by greg11

  1. I have one of these from my Ohio source, its mint and I am about 1/2 way trying to back fill it. I have a feeling it's going to take a lot of time. I bought 33 popeyes from him at 3/4 in size, several sparklers and other various akro. They just keep rolling in, I think this guy has tubs full of Akro
  2. My bedtime is 830pm, that's what happens when you get grey hair
  3. Jeroen was just trying to point out something that he found odd in an auction. We have all done it, so drop it. I have a huge plastic tub of handmades, christensens, akro, boxes all packed and ready to ship to Charles. He is one of the most honest and best dealers around. All sellers have items that slip by, it just happens, now there are sellers out there who do it on purpose, so its good that people look out for odd looking stuff on ebay. Thanks Jeroen, we appreciate all that you contribute.
  4. 50 cents, boy have time and money changed
  5. I never really found anything interesting at yard sales. I started collecting around 1992 and would visit flea markets. There was a guy from Evansville Indiana that would set up and he had baggies full of nice marbles. Most of them were great MFC slags. I stopped looking for them once Ebay got started.
  6. Indiana Marble Club show Jan 12, 2013 Indiana Marble Club Saturday, January 12, 2013 Comfort Inn & Suites at the Pyramids, Indianapolis, IN (317)875-7676. In-room trading Thursday and Friday Room rates $59 Be there and freeze your ass off with a bunch of marble collectors roaming the halls of a hotel carrying around pistol cases. See ya there!
  7. after all, it's the right thing to do, with obamacare and everything, we must pull together as a community and make sure Brian keeps his job hahaha
  8. might as well send some of the wooden signs into that big auction house... hint hint..,. they will sell them as originals and you will get tens of thousands after consignment fee's, buyers premiums, sales tax, ebay fee's, shipping fee's, expert grading and photography LOL
  10. jeroen - "marble may have been buffed" but still going to give it a grade of 9.7 LOL, american pickers
  11. rich, are you still trying to make marbles with that medical nitrous oxide tank??? No wonder you are still wearing that santa outfit
  12. I remember one time I had a pistol case full of sulphides and various slags. I was trying to sell them in someones room one night at a marble show, you know the gig... everyone walking around at 10pm in some random hotel with a pistol cases trying to sell something so they can buy something. Well, Les came by and looked at my case, he grabbed everything and counted in his head and handed me cash. Les could make money selling anything, he was a great guy, he should have been the owner of that pawn shop on TV. He would have made millions...
  13. what happened mike, you run out of marbles to sell... come on, list some and I will buy them
  14. I think its called... Dan is a marble collector and is cherry picking,and then there is Brian...the ex walmart manager lol
  15. 11 people bid on this lot, and you cant even see it... OMG http://www.ebay.com/itm/LOT-OF-2-SULPHIDE-MARBLES-/261313738747?pt=Marbles&hash=item3cd78337fb
  16. lol you have to see this one! http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-11-16-SHEEP-SULPHIDE-MARBLE-/261313743151?pt=Marbles&hash=item3cd783492f
  17. hess's was a department store in the 60's and up till the 80's I think, looks like a Tie or scarff box. Marble kings hmmm
  18. it got to a point where everything Alan sold brought in a premium. I still cant believe what happened to him. Just goes to show you, you can live a healthy live but it just decreases the risk factors. Alan was a vegan most of his life and still went down young and went down in a terrible way.
  19. damn charles, I just pissed my pants, nice boxes!
  20. typical marble collectors, never happy even when they are mint + haha
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