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Everything posted by greg11

  1. The font reminds me of some of the stuff I got which says made in NYC in the 40'sand 50's, but the top is just out of place, maybe it was put on after? the picture looks dutch or something. cool box regardless.
  2. Are you sure thats not modern? My first thought but I am no expert at all in handmades.
  3. defensive=guilty=buyers remorse=you bought a lemon= clyde agrees= fake marble Tom reed agrees
  4. You flew from California to Canton Ohio to buy a questionable marble lol go have a beer on me
  5. If you have to prove its good its a fake LOL
  6. message me, I will give you realistic prices on MFC slags, I have a large MFC collection and I truly understand the prices on them.
  7. I remember going to my grandmothers house. My fathers side of the family migrated from Germany. The house was full of old things in Evansville Indiana. Every time I went there my grandmother would get out the tin wind up toys and the big can of marbles. Fast forward about 18 years and I found myself going through flea markets and antique malls as a young 20 something adult. I started finding marbles and that childhood memory came back and I started chasing my memories, that was 1993
  8. morphys has a coin auction going on, amazing what prices some coins bring these days. This coin has no reserve but the minimum bid is 18 grand??? that sounds like a reserve to me.. This coin is being sold with no reserve. Details Lot Number: 323 Serial Number: 25530268 Estimate: $37,500.00 Number of Bids: 0 Current Bid: $0.00 Minimum Bid: $18,000.00 This lot has NO reserve
  9. Someone just happen to have them, they were his mothers, I already got a few others from the collection.
  10. Anyone seen one of these before, I have not. I am purchasing the entire group.
  11. Lets stop by cambridge on the way, rent a backhoe and dig up those exotics that are still buried under the street.
  12. anyone else want the onion let me know, jerome sent me a message, he wants over inches. Trade for sulphide or latticino.
  13. My 8 year old daughter Mia She is 100% fluent in Japanese and English. She translates what mom says so I understand what the F is going on. She loves to paint and draw I am having a custom guitar amp made from this guy in canada, he named it after my daughter. I can't wait to get it Here is one of my fish, he's been in my aquarium for 3 or 4 years now.. my other hobby.. Here is a yellow tang I've been able to keep now for over a year, along with the rose anenomes. A red sea sailfin tang that I raised from a baby, it's a pretty rare fish. 2 years old I put this together piece by piece dont spill my case For jerome: 2 inch, polished, no pontils, displays nice, 4 lobes, will trade for a sulphide or latticino
  14. I bet you are speaking of ken's CA's. Yeah, he got it handed to him that's for sure, minus the fee's but hey, if you have the money or need the money then let it ride..
  15. historically we know what the master loaf sells for if you can even find one for sale. 3k is double what we normally see them sell for, so 6K is just stupid. Also, the 500 for the porcelfrit, its another example of crazy price, sure they are super hard to find, but 120 max on a great day. I just have to scratch my head and wonder if these are correct prices, or is it a marketing tactic. If they are getting that kind of money, I might as well send my entire collection to them and start over.
  16. I have a big one you would like, but it's buffed, lobed, I will take a pic
  17. I could see 3 grand if I really was looking for it for decades, but 6 grand? come on...
  18. good question, how many are out there? I've maybe seen one at a marble show since 1991, super rare. We all know there are zillions of the other comics, I dont understand why they are priced so high because they are super easy to get. maybe some of the odd colored ones I can understand higher prices, but the the others are wayyy over priced.
  19. since dan and brian are both collectors.. what do they do if they receive a marble on consignment they want to keep?
  20. sounds like some cherry picking going on
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