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Everything posted by greg11

  1. graded 9.2 wow "A FEW SMALL HITS. MINOR SCRATCHING" http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-13-32-JENNY-LIND-BUST-SULPHIDE-MARBLE-/360734011289?pt=Marbles&hash=item53fd6c2f99
  2. is this some type of marketing campain or a confession? Just kidding you OG
  3. Rich, Try a tank of medical nitrous oxide next time instead of oxygen
  4. Nothing like a marble show, doesn't matter where it's at, you will always find something you can not get on Ebay. I will agree that the numbers are starting to not add up. Hotel, gas, food, etc. I stayed home and just this month have purchased 10 sulphides, 2 large handmades and numerous mint ca's both on ebay and private deals. Flip a coin, stay home and buy stuff or spend that money and travel... You miss out on the interaction with friends at shows but you can sit home and make just as good or even better deals.
  5. I vote to move it back to north Columbus, I enjoyed that location, it's a really nice area.
  6. good investment... no, you might make 15 dollars on ebay after paypal and ebay fee's. Marbles are a terrible investment, only buy what you want to hang onto for life.
  7. Scotts hitting that bong pretty heavy, wishing he was in Canton
  8. I've been there a few times, it's pretty neat. You can ride the train and get anywhere, the food and shopping is an incredible experience. I would love to live there for a few years, but it's super expensive.
  9. Unfortunatly I have to get our 8 year old ready to go back to school. My wife had to fly to Tokyo this morning, she got a call monday night that said, come home now! She bought the ticket within hours of the call and was gone by 630am this morning. Her grandmother has terminal cancer and has just days to live.
  10. Some mint CA slags Thanks Galen for some of these jewels ebay score, lots of same canes! Several Pee Wee CA slags
  11. Some big slags. I searched for many years for this 1-1/4 blue slag. They are very hard to find in mint condition. My camera makes marbles look egg shaped for some reason. Another hard one is the giant mint purple. It's over 1-1/4 in size, the large white is jaw dropping in person. Clyde has seen it on person and he wants it. I will make sure he gets the marble if I kick the bucket. It's probably Christensen as it has a bit of UV green inside.
  12. Interesting lot of marbles. Looks original to the bag. I bet they sold these in the gift shop.
  13. some of my best CA's came from Manddrakes, don't hesitate to bid
  14. This one has your name on it Clyde http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rariest-Peltier-NLR-Niagara-Falls-7-8-Mint-9-9-Marbles-/161079822709?pt=Marbles&hash=item25811b0975
  15. Agree with Sami, its a good disconnect, although the prices of travel are getting really high. I'm willing to pay a higher price for a good hotel though, there isnt anything worse than a cheap hotel room, yuck.
  16. What is your favorite thing about a marble show? In room trading, you get to sit down and take your time. What is your least favorite thing about a marble show? The odd ball locations, I never stick around for the actual show, 2 nights of room trading and I'm out if there.
  17. yeah Galen, its all a pipedream and any marbles worth anything are scammed into a few individuals pockets
  18. Tom Reed is attempting to sell some of his collection on ebay with crazy prices, I think he has finally hit rock bottom.
  19. I'm with Clyde on this one. Sounds like he needs to spend more time at the office grading marbles.
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