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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Has anyone polished a Leighton? about 1-1/4” I think. On vacation, so no Calipers.
  2. Old time “collection” stars: more to follow… bullseye is ~1-1/2” Leighton is ~1/14” Also included 2 Peltier clown boulders
  3. we harvested 4 dozen oysters Monday. Bbq’d 2 dozen for dinner, passed the other 2 to our uphill neighbor. They gave us a load of fresh razor clams the previous week. not eating seagulls, however geese are viable, having eaten seaweed for weeks. geoducks are still growing, got a couple years before we harvest.
  4. Same here, but a cigar. Morning here is not so peaceful, it starts before sunrise with the geese and seagulls, then the dogs start whining to get fed, then the parrots follow suit. After that, things mellow out.
  5. I was the first in 3 generations to serve in the 70’s. And the last, except for my new son-in-law, who was a Navy seal. god bless those who served and sacrificed for the USA.
  6. I tried this with some regular floor wax, it tended to melt when you touched it, or the house got warm…
  7. We have some good ones here. But all I found was a bucket of clams🥴
  8. I have walked away from some mibs only to regret it later. I have also bought mibs, only to regret it later…. as long as you learn from your mistakes, it is good.
  9. Probably the first time I’ve seen Ron at a loss for words🤔
  10. I have hundreds of “beginners” like this. Great introduction to collecting.
  11. That one made me laugh, thanks! I can literally visualize it!
  12. You didn’t pay too much if you are happy with it!!! ”Buy it when you see it. It is always an education”
  13. I was thinking possible “Brody” knob, but the large thread negates that.
  14. Gear shift knob, awesome pattern. Haven’t seen this shape before.
  15. I know a certain person who tends to throw marbles like these in parks at night for kids to find later. I do the same on the beach…
  16. Jackpot!!!! That is going to be a lot of fun! keep us posted…
  17. That must be quite the “stash”. What else are you hiding???😁
  18. How long did it take? I tried 2, and after 15 minutes, nada.
  19. It will be interesting to go back when he finds all his marbles. 🤣
  20. Thanks Ric! I’ll get photos, or buy them if the price is right, next time I’m there.
  21. I saw a jar today with 50+ pink, green, blue, yellow pastel benningtons, all around 3/4”. They have the expected eyes, don’t seem to be contemporary’s. I was looking at some sulphides at the time, so I didn’t circle back to it, forgot to take some pics. No idea on price. should I revisit the store? he said he also has a bag(somewhere) of dug marbles from a burned out marble factory. What factory could that be?
  22. Nine didn’t backlight with a standard LED flashlight, except at the edges. got curious and found this online. https://oldraremarbles.com/product/unusual-akro-honey-color-cornelian-brick/ they have several others for sale, plus they show sold prices for reference.
  23. This 3/4” has been sitting with my sparklers, but thinking it’s a Master. Regardless, it is a great mib.
  24. I saw the “distortion”, was wondering about it. Maybe attach the hook, dip it in epoxy, then spin off the excess?
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