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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Normally that award goes to you, Chad. You must be slipping? Or occupied chasing clowns?🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Chad, I found 2 Pelt 31/32” black-based clowns in the group from Arizona. Already had the one in the center. Willing to sell/trade the 2 on the right. I have no idea on value…
  3. We also bought 30 keychain UV lights to sell at shows. About $1.30 each, sell for $3.
  4. Just ordered two as well! The wife collects cut crystal perfume bottles, loves the UV pieces.
  5. Blenko typically made pieces that are probably twice as heavy as the other makers. The newer pieces are thinner due to increased production costs.
  6. Built like a truck, probably weighs 5lbs. 16” tall, we also have its little sister at 12”.
  7. Thanks, Chad. also snagged 2 nice pieces of Blenko. Left 1 in Spokane at the MILs apartment. here is the other, an epergne in seeded chartreuse. Early 50’s I think.
  8. Went to an antique show in Spokane, all from the same dealer, plus an Italian stiletto and a threaded barrel for one of my other hobbies. assuming the 2 small knobs are for window levers? can’t remember who made the marble…🤯 about 13/16”
  9. I use the pistol cases, around 50 mibs per case.
  10. We’ve had “lots of bubbles”, “pieces of firebrick”, “metallic adds”, figured maybe something new would cause people to do a deep dive in the collections…. I’ve got a “Hershey’s kiss” drizzle in mine somewhere, I need to go find to join the drizzle post.
  11. Who’s got the largest bubble in a marble? here is my entry in a 5/8” brushed patch. Hard to photo because it is so large.
  12. I have found my new favorite! Made by Nebo, it is rechargeable using a USB power cord. It can also use 2 AAA batteries in a pinch, but at lower lumens. 2 lighting levels. 500 lumens, on high-mode, on the rechargeable battery. 140 in low-mode. magnetic base to attach to metal, allowing hands free when needed. it also has a neat option to be an area light by pulling up the lens. The picture is on low-mode, high-mode hurts your eyes if you look directly at it. I paid $65, with the holster. The holster has a metal base, securing it. I bought it for work, but it works great in low-mode when prowling antique stores with crammed, dark display cases.
  13. Thanks Tommy, $25 thrift store score! it’s funny how we’ll spend $100s on a marble, but have issues spending $100s on a display case that can store $1,000s of marbles.
  14. The whole display, mibs tend to rotate as new ones come in.
  15. Someone needs to create a glass detector, similar to the metal detectors, complete with software to tell you the size, color, maker, and condition🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. I was looking harder at one of those blue single seam slags in my earlier post. Neither the seam or white feathering now look CAC to me, looks more Peltish?🤔
  17. Found this hiding in my slags, 5/8”. Super dark red, almost black base. Can’t see the surface pattern until you light it up.
  18. Looks like it almost got burned? very strange, 5/8” most likely dug, not sure who made it, double seam, looks like oxblood?
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