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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. This one is on a clear red base, some orange when under UV.
  2. AKRO oxblood on an Amber base, glowing green under UV. Never seen green before…
  3. Same here, this my first that I tried to ID as Kokomo. the second one was in my akro pile, but the glass seemed a little off. Almost opalescent. Did akro ever use opalescent glass?
  4. Saw the new video on these marbles, wondering if these fit the bill.
  5. I was on OfferUp looking for knives, and this popped up. Waiting for a response if they are for sale…
  6. My wife says she is going to start “regifting” stuff in storage for my birthday and Xmas presents…
  7. I’d be happy if I never had to go into Seattle again, but my work requires it. Fortunately, not very often.
  8. To top off my “small” score, I doubled the size of my sulphide collection with a mint 2” squirrel! with a 3” Blenko paperweight as a kicker. we also discovered (via Craigslist) 2 boxes of 10 Blenko colored glass dalles, each is 8”x12”x1” thick. About 9lbs/dalle, so 180lbs in total. Thinking about adding them to our fence, similar to the fences at the Blenko Visitors Center in Milton, WV. For those of you thinking about visiting Portland, I advise against it. Haven’t been there in 7 years, it is a worse sh…le than Seattle. Homeless camps everywhere, in every park, street corner, even in neighborhoods between houses. Very sad…
  9. Found this today, seller wants $350. 12 drawers with 7/8” clearance, 98 pockets/drawer. didn’t buy it yet, trying to figure out where I would put it. it would give me room for MORE🤣🤣
  10. Wowser, from BB current auction. Didn’t see that coming…🤑 https://bid.marbleauctions.com/lots/view/4-6H6BU7/marbles-akro-agate-company-corkscrew-2332-near-mint-89
  11. haha, those were the losers, although the Leighton winner is a “little” banged up.
  12. https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/atq/d/monroe-antique-coin-pinball-machine-oak/7483232430.html
  13. Many of us collected things over the years with the plan to sell when they want to retire and have some extra income. With the current economy, and gas costing $5+ per gallon, discretionary spending is in the toilet. Prices for collectibles seems to be tanking, it may never come back. I know we rarely talk $ here, but how many of us will be struggling if our prized possessions lose value? I admit I look at my collections as having $ when the time comes to sell. there is the old theme, “ when there is blood in the streets, that is the time to buy.” This is based on assuming the issue is cyclical, that you have adequate reserves, and better times will return. What if they don’t?
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