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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Early AKRO 1”, identified by Dani and Ernie. I had it in my Japanese group.
  2. Just noticed on eBay, 10 atmospheres have been listed by a single seller. Not sure if they are real or not.
  3. Thanks for responding, Ron. Not sure, haven’t seen them in person yet. A large group of mibs listed on Craigslist for $15, waiting for a response from the seller.
  4. I think my thing is the thrill of the hunt, be it marbles, Blenko, canes, knives, etc. it started with my grandparents things, a small box of marbles, an old pocket knife… we also like to buy low and sell high when the time comes. Our kids want nothing, except my guns which they aren’t getting. Those will go to our executor as payment for having to deal with our kids crap when the time comes.
  5. Got them installed, although some unexpected issues. I have to tilt the new displays a little to be able to open the plexiglass. The high density spacing limits my ability to grab a marble for closer inspection, fat fingers syndrome. the bigger issue is deciding how to arrange mibs in all the displays. I hope to pull most of my better mibs out of cases and closets…
  6. They were headed for the game marble box, almost missed them.
  7. Thank you Ron! I will print this out and keep it with the marbles.
  8. Thanks Al! I first had it in mind that I got them from you, apparently not. we”ll wait for Ron to chime in.
  9. Does anyone have the backstory on this little packet? Not sure where I got it from, maybe a bonus from and old eBay purchase?
  10. A box w/~1,100 mibs for $25, couldn’t pass it up. first we have a matching pair of rare purple sulphides, with what appears to be string imbeds??🤣🤣🤣 (looks like some parent reached their clacking limit.) boatload of Vitro and cats eyes (3 purple) no tricolor superiors. a good amount of MK not a single AKRO couple Pelt Rainbos 2 monster steelies. money well spent.
  11. Buy a slingshot… or throw handfuls on a local beach or playground for the kids to find. we give away bags to kids at antique shows to offset the boredom generated by their parents forcing them to go. And if any become future collectors, we’ll have a market for selling our collection when the time comes.
  12. Thought so, I have a few of Bobs pieces… john is scary good!
  13. Here is the Pic previously posted. The smaller examples have a similar base. Strange mib for sure…
  14. I’ve seen the reference photo Steph posted last year from Al. Except for the opaque base, it seems to comply…
  15. This is 19/32”, with a thread opalescent base. I read Ron’s description, not sure what to think of it.
  16. Thanks for the pic Steph! Found this little bullseye WC today.
  17. Wvrons, excellent displays! The angled mirror for the top shelf is a great idea! Trying to keep things at eye level restricts what you can display. I have some wall racks that need to get lowered 6” or so for optimum viewing. Step stools are dangerous for old folk..
  18. We have a Gasoline Alley antique store in seattle, mostly toys. http://www.gasolinealleyantiques.com
  19. No kids, and only 5 small dogs. The displays keep the dust down, plus hepa filters in the furnace.
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