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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. You don’t let them sit on the eggs to hatch? From a non-farmer🙃
  2. Vitro multi-colored cats are one of my all time favorites! But nothing I have comes close that that monster👍👍
  3. Paleontology 101! Used to hunt for them with my grandfather, who was a geology professor!! Fun times😀
  4. Fire, looks like you had a serious “glass Jones” going on… anyone remember this?
  5. She was very eclectic, had great taste in art. She also did mosaic tile and glass work. She had maybe 80 old glass insulators that she would breakup for insets in tile work. Found them hiding in a cubby under the garage storage closet. We bought 6 or 7 pieces, mostly metal sculpture.
  6. These came from my wife’s ex-MIL estate😬 not sure who made them, assuming there a lot out there.
  7. Marblealan did not list specific sizing for the pelt slags, wondering the largest anyone has in their collection?
  8. Found this, 1” https://www.ebay.com/itm/285146957444?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=AgzATCu5RXy&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. I found some smaller ones online, but nothing this size. Thinking contemporary, you can see the seams. not worth $22 each, imho.
  10. Found these 2 listed as quartz, ~1-3/8” did any American makers produce marbles like this?
  11. Did you bid on Roger Hardy’s collection? I think it was 7 figures..
  12. Kids typically get dragged to antique shows by their parents, who rarely take the time to teach them about antiques. The look on their face when getting an unexpected gift is priceless.
  13. We all appreciate your level of addiction!!!🙃🙃🙃
  14. I gave out maybe 20 bags to kids at the last glass show, some even to adults who looked they were going to cry because they weren’t for sale. (I even got a hug from one older lady.) I was away from the booth and a lady handed my wife $20 for 4 random bags of $.10 marbles. the funniest was 2 kids, I told them not to open the bags until they got home. The look the kids gave the Mom was hilarious, the “we are going home NOW!” Look. Mom folded and off they went…
  15. Cool mib regardless. the fun part of this hobby is that it is whatever the owner wants it to be. When they pass it on to the next caretaker, they can call it whatever they want🙃
  16. $ Value is secondary to most true collectors…😬
  17. This dealer has sold some awesome mibs
  18. Wait, you have “un-sorted” Germans???🤯 is that a pre-64 silver dime?
  19. Thanks for the offer but…na.😬 need to check my book on lion rarity…
  20. 2” lion sulphide marble. Couldn’t pass it up for $25.
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