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Everything posted by Jo217

  1. Thanks Leroy!!!! Bo threatened me with 58 lashes with a wet noodle if I told! Why 58???? Maybe the same number of years the big guy's been around! Happy Birthday Bo! Send me the brown and black popeye and you'll feel so good for giving on your birthday and not receiving! xoxo p.s. it is indeed the 9th! :4Party:
  2. Have a great day as you celebrate the half century mark! Happy Birthday! :4Party:
  3. I'm not sure how long the marbles will remain intact, but I do know that there is a very high percent of damaged marbles. You can "pretty" them up and make them sparkle, but in the end, they're still jabos. Not to be played with... I don't think what you are saying is wrong...and I applaud your speaking out. But there's a strong fan club for these jabos and unfortunately, you will get blasted for saying what you think. so much for "friendship".
  4. I'm really bummed that the only show "in my neck of the woods" is canceled. After waiting in the K.C. airport for 7 hours this past Sunday, I was really looking forward to the hour drive to Baltimore. Too bad for all the folks that work so hard to put a show on.
  5. Just wanted to tell everyone who has never had any of Kevin's work in hand that you are truly missing out. His work is spectacular and although his photos are good, they don't do any justice to the marbles. *not a paid endorsement* lol
  6. Happy Birthday to coolbrezz and akronmarbles! Hope you both enjoy your special day! :4Party:
  7. Charles with bells on his toes! Now that's something I have to see! So I guess we'll catch a flight on Thursday morning... See everyone then.
  8. If at all possible, it would be wise to try to see the items before bidding. Many are graded incorrectly and at least one of the boxes is a repro. Too much money involved to get a bad deal.
  9. Mary...I'd be happy to get one out to you. Within the next day or two.
  10. Sue....I don't think I've ever been anywhere where the air temp was 7 degrees! until New Philly this week!
  11. Alan....Great pics!!! I feel like I was there! Oh, wait...I WAS!!! It was great to meet you - I really enjoyed talking with you. And thanks for posting such great photos of the boxes. If anyone is interested in them, please let me know. In addition to the boxes, I have the board with the pink banded opaques and the marbles in the photo immediately before and the three photos after the opaques. and thank you Smitty for putting on a great show!
  12. Could the term "professional" mean that is was a salesman's sample?
  13. We're here and so are many, many other collectors. If possible, any and all should try to make it. It's a very big show.
  14. Hi everyone, Please check out my post in Board of Inquiry as I am most anxious to hear of your experiences with this person. Thanks!
  15. Has there been a change made to the board? Do we have to log in now? I'm getting strange pages coming up if I don't log in. Thanks.
  16. We'll be there Thursday with over 100 vintage boxes! Can't wait, Smitty...yours is an outstanding show (even if it's 50 below outside!)
  17. The name of this EAGLE variation is "Lyin' Eyes". (and your kitty avatar is beautiful, btw)
  18. Oh Bo, Bo, Bo... Ye of little faith... They're real...dun seen with my own eyes. I super pinky swear. There's your provenance. I'll sign my statement in blood next time I sees ya. xoxoxo, Jo p.s. love you!
  19. Happy Birthday to Bill (willieworm) who is 53 years young today! Enjoy your special day! :Party_fest33:
  20. Gary, First and foremost...my thoughts are with you for a quick and easy recovery. and your board is FANTASTIC!!! good for you!!! I'd like to be added to the order list, please. Can different images be used to decorate the board? Beautiful work...thanks for sharing. Jo
  21. Carl, I'm sending positive thoughts and good wishes to Belinda and you. I hope she is well soon.
  22. Wow!!! Those are beautiful! Can't wait to see some more.
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