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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Some sweet Vitro's And here are my fav-cat's eye type,maybe cause I remember them as a child.
  2. Bob,I got your point,we have 2 names for the cat's eyes. Katten oog and mexie. Katten oog means cats eye,kat(ten)=cat(s),oog=eye. So here we use the plural for this marble type aswell. They're my fav- type to take pic- of.
  3. I would say MFC on both. On the other hand,I was told once,MFC__Peltier__ Akro__Cac,have made in their early period handgathered slags.
  4. winnie


    here're some transitional cut offs. On top 2 spidery cut offs--middle row,short line cutoff--under:left,long straight line and right:is almost smooth.
  5. winnie


    Yes thats regular. Actually Idans already shows all the existing pontils,isn't it? Here's another ground pontil and a kind of gound pontil regular pontil or rough transitional cut off regular pontil This is what I think it is,please tell me if I'm wrong.
  6. My biggest is 3/4--and i've one of 11/16--the smallest is 5/8.
  7. Thanks Galen and thanks Steph for the explanation of this confusing topic,I'm starting now to understand a little.
  8. Thanks Steph, It's still a bit confusing,the marbles in the sample box Moss agate at post#9,looks a lot like Ades to me,with the wispy white. In American machine made marbles at page #17,is an advertisement,which said:Moss Agate is made of moonstone opalescent glass,at the same page, another advertisement which said:Aces with translucent milky glass.
  9. Thanks Dani and Steph, Maybe it's me but I do understand less and less about Moss agate and Ace. Steph,there's a good thread archived on this? This is what marbleAlan said about it:Aces,which have a translucent milky white base with a colored spiral.
  10. winnie


    Without. I've the same with chicory,cooked it taste horrible but raw and chopped in a Waldorf salade it's tasty.
  11. It's a bit strange Steph, I've bought these about a year ago from Bulgaria,not from "Supermarbles"but from another seller. They all have damage. Well I don't know what to think about it.
  12. I see nothing else than a Japanese slag.
  13. winnie


    raw carrots are delicious.
  14. Thanks Jessica, I may be wrong but I don't believe the blue/yellow one is eggyolk. Now that I look for the second time at my picture,I see some wispy white in the green one at top,so maybe it's an Ade??
  15. Me too call it an Ace or Moss agate,even with no opalescence. I think Aces are translucent with a milky base and don't need to be opaal,might be they're sometimes? Here are some of mine,of which i think are Aces,although the milk looks watery.
  16. The color looks good to me for a Japanese slag,they do have all kind of cut off's,although not often it may even be a little rough. This one is from the Japanese box. I think it would be nice to start a new thread with German transitionals,cause I really don't know what they look like,except the ones Idans has posted with the ground pontils,they're for me real German slags.
  17. Interesting box,looks from the 30s--40s?.I wonder could it be made by Vacor,from what I've read Vacor is an old marble factory.
  18. Marboman,I like the one on the bottom,actually it has 2 colors and white,it's a special one. Orboy,you've some nice whirepulls,now I've go to look if I have a red one.
  19. It reminds me of this cat's eye type,on some spots you can see orange peel. I found them years ago in a group of old marbles,I've never seen them again.
  20. winnie


    Goude cheese,I think it's Dutch,it's named after a town here,and it's delightful. I like almost all if not all cheeses,Dutch--French--Italien,it does not matter for me,also goat cheese. I buy them here on the market,the choise is their the greatest,and they've boxes with pieces of cheese,that you can taste. Lately,more and more new cheeses come on the market with tasty herbs. So now I'm going to eat a tasty piece of cheese.
  21. Here it is,Ann,but actually the pattern is different,it seems yours have 2 colors with white?
  22. Yes,very nice,I've kind of the same pattern,I'll dig it up.
  23. Ann,I've different shades of yellow.Most of the orange--red and yellow ones do glow under UV light,and some of the white ones aswell. Orboy,I love to see it,do you have a pic-?
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