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Everything posted by winnie

  1. interesting thread!!! Here's another German road and tunnel it's 15/16.Think they were made in the same way as the CAC's. Sure want to know more about them,just as Ann and Mon,I'm sitting here,all ears.
  2. Yelling. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it.
  3. Sorry Mon,for saying something you don't like,but I thought this thread is about the traits of str/tr--str/op and exotics and not of the origin of them. What I said was based on the first.
  4. Well thats a lot of corks. Do you see a face in this marble??My grandson doesn't see it,but I do,kind of cartoon.
  5. Here are some transitionals with colors that differ from the standard colors,they have different cut offs,visible and felt with fingernail.
  6. Galen said: One of the reasons I have tried to just start enjoying them for what the are and leave the technicalities to others. Very wise,enjoy your marbles,I'm totally agree.
  7. Thanks Galen and John,that make sense. Hansel said; Winnie, I notice you hesitate to say where you think these short and long line pontil marbles are made. :-) I hope some day we can figure that out. I tend to think that they are all made (the transitions with different cut offs) in the same country,and that will be Japan,until I see them in their original packaging from a country other than Japan.
  8. I've always thought,the sharpness of the shears or blades plays a bigger part ,in the differences of the cut offs,than the temperatur of the glass,but thats just me,can't proof it.LOL
  9. I will add something else,When I found an old marble group here in Holland,I've noticed the transitionals in that group have different cut offs. here's one with a short line And this one has a long line long line
  10. When I start to collect them,I thought that all the sloppy made ones were made in Japan,but I don't think so anymore,after all, there are some nice looking transitionals in my collection with a spidery cut off. Some people advice me to look closely at the glassd and I did,but that tells me not much.
  11. The cut offs in my picture are all different,spidery--short line--long line--pinprick and some are almost smooth. There for by looking at the cut offs,I can't trace where they are made or where they came from. Yes in this Jap- box you can see the red/white ones.
  12. Here are 4 Jap- transitionals with spidery cut off. From left to right is one marble. Left is the front on the right side the spidery cut off. The ones that Roger pointed out in his tabel (seen in Hansel's thread) are sloppy made,the front isn't as nice as these ones.I think thats confusing,you may think that all the Japanese ones are ugly made,as you can see thats not the case. Here are the different cut offs of the Japanese box.It's not a good picture,I took it with my little camera.
  13. Steph,Like other groups of vintage marbles that I find here,all different cut offs. spidery---long line---short line---pin pricks. I personally think what most confusing in this is;the pinch cut off Japanese,Roger has pointed out here in the tabel, http://members.kingston.net/browse/transpics/trans2.html They're all sloppy made. I have nice made Japanese ones with spidery cut off's. Have time tonight to do some pictures of them. I'll do it in a new post,cause don't want to hijacked Hansel's post again,sorry. What Roger said The “pinch pontil” (column 1) is the most distinctive type, and they are the type (and only type) found in boxes marked “MADE IN JAPAN”. There are no clues to the origins of the other types. In my Japanese box are all kind of different cut off'
  14. Well seen Steph,I put it there by mistake LOL. I understand why you "don't quite follow it",it's my bad English. I will try again. In my group with German handmades from 1920 or earlier and a lot of transitionals,wouldn't it be normal,if Germany has made transitionals,that they may be found in this group?? Untill now I don't know the difference between German and Japanese transitionals,except the German ground pontil transitionals,which are described in "collecting early machine made marbles",in my eyes they're the real German transitions.I think the ones in my group are all Japanese,I can be wrong though......or does anyone seen a German transitional in my group??
  15. Because the Netherlands and Germany are neighbors,would tell you,if Germany has made Transitional slags,there's still some need to be in this group. Does anyone make a guess??
  16. Do you mean the second pic- upper right,I'm not sure,looks like a Japanese slag to me. I believe the Japanese trans- are older as we think sofar.. Got this in the mail yesterday,it's a Dutch collection,the seller told me these are marbles from 1920-1950. This is typically how a Dutch marble group looks.
  17. I've noticed that if an old or antique object is copied,the vaslue of the original object decreases enormously. People are afraid to buy the original,they're afraid to burn themselves. It could be the same with these ëxotics". Suppose it's true that there are old and new ëxotics"and you can hardly tell the difference,than you wouldn't buy them anymore.
  18. Could be,I believe it's called a spiral.
  19. Godown,I like those slag type's. Are yours American made? Here's one that I think is German,found it in the Netherlands.Sometimes it's difficult to see the difference. And here's a German str/tr.
  20. Hope you had a good day!
  21. winnie


    I know it's a mineral but what...... Anyway I like the pattern.
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