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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. I did some more reading yesterday. And, I'm thinking it's kind of like having three people make chocolate chip cookies. One person uses a readi-made mix (which a few months ago, I was told came in one gallon buckets, yuck), two make from scratch although one has ingredients that are closest to purer forms. The cookies may look the same, for the most part, but they are different. They are all chocolate chip cookies but the difference in ingredients, heat of the oven and time baked, makes the taste and texture different. Each manufacturer has a version of oxblood and it 'seems' that the variations have to do with ingredients, heat and conditions. There may be other variables that I just 'don't get' but I think I have begun to grasp the concept of more than one type of oxblood being used out there. Thanx to everyone who helped in my quest to understand and become more enlightened on this subject. Have a blessed day! :-) Felicia
  2. That's a nifty marble Carole, very cheerful. Thanx for sharing. Have a blessed day! :-) Felicia
  3. Kewl marble...is that pink? :-) Felicia
  4. Gorgeous! Gotta love the eye candy (handmades). Thanx for sharing. :-) Felicia
  5. Very kewl Winnie, it looks like it almost blends in...Thank you. Have a blessed day all! :-) Felicia
  6. Thank you Alan. Fantastic Winnie! Thank you. :-) Felicia
  7. Who made those Ric? The red sharp looking for sure. :-) Felicia
  8. Happy Easter Carole. And I gotta say...WOW, that 1st one has got the colors! The second one, ya just wanna go awwwwww, how cuuute! They both make me say "how do dey do dat?" Gotta love handmades! :-) Felicia
  9. Absolutely fantastic guys! Mud sure cleans off good huh mibcapper. :-) Felicia
  10. My favorite Akro, even though it has a chunk out of it, it's still kewl (my husband actually played with this as a kid, go figure...lol)
  11. LOL @ Ralph and Alice..thanx for the great pics mibstified. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  12. That's kewl Bo! I bet you and Judy have a blast in art class, sure sounds like it would be fun. And thanx, wish hubby would use his talent more often. I keep bugging him about a marble picture but I guess the mood has to strike him. Have a blessed day! :-) Felicia
  13. That's a big chunk of debris Alan! They are fun though. Thank you all...there's probably more out there somewhere. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  14. Kewl Veeeeee-tros Andrea...I can see why you love the last one. I'llhavethat1...more eye candy...awesome! Thanx everyone for sharing...hope to see some more..they are all beauties. Have a great day folks! :-) Felicia
  15. Thank you Okie..sounds like fun. Happy Easter Bo...did you draw that? It's kewl. Here's some of my husband's work: http://community.webtv.net/MrMopar-wolf/Artwork/ Have a blessed day all! :-) Felicia
  16. Nifty Okie! You and your family be happy, be safe and be blessed. Happy Easter! :-) Felicia
  17. Awwwww that's cute! I don't have any but want to say: Thanx so much for sharing. :-) Felicia
  18. Okie, they don't have to be round to be special/favorite...they're all kewl. Niiiice Bo...do the green ones glow? Your marbles are so shiny! Nice to meet ya Marbles4Case/Kevin, beautiful eye candy there. Thanks all for sharing. :-) Felicia
  19. Navarre's...Black Widow's...Heaton's...Bogard's... This is fantastic! Y'all are showing such awesome marbles...I don't recall seeing much of any those kinds folks...wayyyyy kewl! This is a great way to cheer up a dreary, rainy day..Thanx! :-) Felicia
  20. Wow! trays! Definitely seeing wonderful varieties here today. Thanx.....Keep'em coming folks!
  21. I think Akros are so kewl..but maybe it's that oxblood thing I'm hung up on..that stuff is kewler than all get-out! The black n red ones...good color combo.
  22. Goodness Steph...that's a LOT of researching on your part...bless your heart! I see some from western PA..kewl! :-) Felicia
  23. Wow Dan! that's really nifty...who made it? Have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  24. That sparkly one is extremely kewl Charles, who made that one?
  25. Fabulous! Hey Bo...did you get those marbles back in the day, when they were new? They are so shiny and it shows the colors really sharp!
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