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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. A Sparkling Sparkler...now that's just tooooooo fabulous! Thanx for sharing Alan. :-) Felicia
  2. Thank you ziggyzora :-) I appreciate the good wishes. The above marble under the name of a jelly ribbon, it's really nifty. I'llhavethat1..totally kewl! Some cross-thru cats :-) Felicia
  3. Wowsers Alan! You must have at least one of everything! All fantastic looking! :-) Felicia
  4. This is one of my faves. I was told some folks call it a 'Tiffany Window' :-) Felicia
  5. Derrick, those are awesome! I'm so glad you posted them. What an amazing artist Patry was! I so enjoy seeing others talents. I had remembered where I saw some of her fantastic marbles...that longest cat's eye thread at Marble Mental (I think it's up to about 39 pages by now).
  6. I remember the many gorgeous marble pictures Patry displayed. From my 'investigating', she was also a professional artist. She knew color and beauty in the marble world as well as artistically. I believe many would enjoy this: http://www.dentongenealogy.org/Patandlarry.htm (I hope this is her, if not then someone let me know and I will remove it) Remember the good and cherish them, for we never know what the next day will bring. My thoughts and prayers are with her family. Felicia
  7. Fun idea Bob! I'm with Jill Marie, when seeing Alan's marble pics...my heart stopped, my jaw dropped and my eyes popped (being poetic)..I have to say, I am totally jealous you guys...but having seen these pics, I'll know what to look for in the future. Keep'em coming folks! :-) Felicia
  8. Wow! Edna, Too kewl thread! Lots of great info and marble pics (and you know the ones with purple just perked me up) Keep'em coming folks! :-) Felicia
  9. Those are gorgeous! My first trip to the gallery and those caught my eye. You seem to have lots of very kewl looking marbles. Thanks for showing them. :-) Felicia
  10. Nifty looking. I'm with Edna about learning. Thanks for sharing Steph. :-) Felicia
  11. Wowsers Derrick! That's a big'un! Thank you for showing us that fantastic 'candy' marble. :-) Felicia
  12. Those are lucious Zora! Thank you for showing them. So many dee-double-licious marbles have been displayed. Thanks everyone! :-) Felicia
  13. Totally awesome guys! I think the 'candy' marbles rock! Thanks for sharing those beauties Chris. Always something fascinating out there to catch our eye and it's great to be able to share it. :-) Felicia
  14. This marble is 13/16" and it was described as a 'German ribbon core with beautiful transparent jelly bands outlined in white and alternating yellow outer bands'. The 'Tiffany Windows' sounds more elegant Sue. Candy works for me, seeing as I'm a chocoholic...lol There are 4 separate bands, blue/green/blue/green with opaque white on both sides of each band. All I know is that it looks scrumputous, didn't cost me my first born and I like it. Those are gorgeous Joe! Just like candy. Will have to be on the look-out for one of those too. Wonder how many more look like sweet treats? Thanks, :-) Felicia
  15. I like this one because the inside reminds me of a candy we used to get as kids. :-) Felicia
  16. Nifty set Jane. Isn't it great when one that 'seems' so simple, isn't...light'em up and they're on fire! :-) Felicia
  17. Verrry colorful and kewl. Great way to learn too. Thank you. :-) Felicia
  18. Verrrrry kewl and creative! Thanx for sharing. :-) Felicia
  19. WOW! You guys rock! Awesome handmades for sure. :-) Felicia
  20. Wow! Gorgeous marbles Mike and peewees at that...very kewl! Thanx for sharing. :-) Felicia
  21. Gorgeous! It's one of those 'someday' marbles for me. Thank you for sharing Joe :-) Felicia
  22. Great information, great pictures (WOW!) Thanks, :-) Felicia
  23. Hi and Welcome in Frogfullmoon. That first one sure is nifty looking. Thanks for showing pics :-) Felicia
  24. Absotively gorgeous! Easy to get hooked on these little lovelies, Barb. Just when I am about to give up, I see beauties like these and figure, someday I may be so lucky. I'm still just a beginner at this, so thanx mibstified for bringing hope back. :-) Felicia
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