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Everything posted by Ric

  1. That's a nice marble, Joe. Pink is always good and the blue bonus is good too!
  2. Ric


    Any idea how the two color "Yellow Jackets" in that poster differ from newer All Reds? And please know, I am not being confrontational at all, just trying to lead the conversation in a direction I think it needs to go. 🙂
  3. Ric


    All Reds with no red?
  4. Are you referring to Bennington-like marbles that have no "eyes"?
  5. I agree they are unusual. I have wondered if they are reproductions or just new. It almost looks like the first is further along in the embellishment process than the second. I have another that is very similar but came from a different source. I'll try to get a pic of it up later.
  6. If that's a weak bit of blue running on one side of the patch I'd stick with Vitro.
  7. Ric

    Cateye marble

    I wouldn't be too quick to rule out Peltier, Joe. Hopefully, you'll get some more feedback on this one.
  8. Ha, I wanted to say the same thing but thought people would think I was nuts and chickened out. lol
  9. I was just thinking about you and some of the great Cat's Eye threads we used to have on Marble Mental. It's really a shame they have all disappeared.
  10. You wish! I was counting on you for a recommendation though. 😁
  11. Here are a couple of more I came across - just under 13/16" & 7/8" These are interesting. I got them from a German seller about 10 years ago.
  12. I know this guy who'd be happy to help you sort those WVS. He's honest and trustworthy, although he does sometimes struggle with obedience. He likes to travel too. I'm pretty sure you've met him at least once at an Illinois show long ago, and he'll work for nothing more than a little fun and some good marble conversation. If you want to get in touch with him just let me know - I've got his number. 😁
  13. Showing a full moon in the second view . . . 😀
  14. I want to say the metal pins may have stuck up through a ceramic "button" to make the stand. I'll have to ruminate on it a while and see if I can recall the original source of that information. That is a very cool relic from AM&T and I have noticed that none of my marbles from them show evidence of any kind of stilt. I do think I had a few ceramic ones that did show evidence of a different style of firing stand though. I'll see what I can find.
  15. Just another thought, I think you have to exercise some caution when looking at more round "stilt marks". Since it seems to me that the top marble in a four marble pyramid, which I imagine would be a common arrangement when batching them together more like Benningtons, could also appear as stilt marks.
  16. I haven't checked every ceramic I own but there are obvious stilt marks on this 1 13/16" one. I'll try to look through more later and get back here. I have also heard that the stilts changed over time and that the ceramic ones were the earliest while the later types used pointed metal pins that left much smaller marks. Do you know anything about that?
  17. That seems appropriate - it's very cool and unusual, Jeff. 👍
  18. A fruity Fruit Cocktail - just under 9/16". At least that's what they used to be called . . .
  19. 😄 Those are epic bubble pops, Gladys - some are like a window into the marble, big enough too see the innards!
  20. Nice marbles posted today, Dave - great pattern and size on those Liberties!
  21. That's a great Bee, Chad. I'm surprised it's not beat to a pulp. That little as-made fingernail hold would be very helpful for applying "english" when playing.
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