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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I think the two color P&Rs are less common than the single color or tricolor ones, aren't they?
  2. If the bases are transparent I would call them Onyxes.
  3. I'm thinking 30 but I'm not entirely sure about it.
  4. That's a little surprising since transparent West Virginia Swirls were made by the boxcar-full. 🙂
  5. Here's an odd duck and a normal patch. The odd patch on the left sort of reminds me a little of the "Eye" type patches I have been interested in lately. It's also has seams that are "pinched" together. And what appears to be black bursting out of the seams actually is black, or maybe about as black as purple can get given the purple streaking over the blue on this 100% opaque marble. I think it's pretty unique and I like it quite a bit, but it sort of makes me want to take a hammer to the one on the right just to see what's under that blue. 😄
  6. Well, that depends some - if there are multiple colors they're probably worth taking a look at. 🙂
  7. @Tommy I hope you don't mind me piling in here. 🙂 I think yours is like the center one I am showing - I waffle back and forth between Alley and Ravenswood with it. Mine is a tough to photograph salmon/red color that looks a bit too orange in photos - like yours I think. It's the two flanking ones I am having difficulty with but am leaning Champion on. Any thoughts about any of them will be greatly appreciated.
  8. I'm lucky that I have marbles everywhere and many I have not seen in years, maybe decades. So I can find "new" ones about anytime I care to look for them. lol.
  9. I'm getting ready to back off here a lot too. I want to be outside working, traveling and playing when the weather gets nicer. I've got a pretty bad case of "cabin fever" at this point. But it is reassuring to know that marbles will still be around if and when I feel like "playing" with them for a while.
  10. I'd say Master Sunburst and it was definitely a nice one in it's day.
  11. Not to me, maybe to someone else. Now, if it was a Moonie or a Cloudy that might be different.
  12. It is a bit subjective. For instance, a smaller marble with three colors and a less busy pattern might be more desirable than a larger marble with two colors and a busier pattern, but maybe not, rarity plays an important role too.
  13. Don't forget there are lots of good threads with different makers in the General Marbles & Glass Chat forum: MK Monday, Peltier Tuesday, West Virginia Wednesday, Thuringen Thursday, Akro Friday, Slags & Swirls Saturday, Vito Lovers Look Here, Let's See Your Master Mibs, etc. There are a ton of good examples in those threads, and there are lots of good threads for all makers in Steph's Study Hall too.
  14. Two standard Marble King patch and ribbons on the left and a MK Rainbow Red on the right - notice how the colors are not flipped at the seams on that one.
  15. More colors, busier patterns, and larger sizes, in general. Eye appeal is a good way to describe it.
  16. Game marbles, if I had to guess I would say Champion.
  17. Ric


    I'd say Champion upper right and JABO lower right, Alley lower left. Not too sure about upper left, it may be JABO too.
  18. I'm thinking Champions on the bottom. Probably Alley upper left and a reasonable chance of Alley upper right too.
  19. These types are almost impossible to ID with any certainty - many companies made similar. For most people it would be a 100% guess - there is just not much to base an ID on.
  20. Look at the last pic. The order of colors is reversed above and below the seam - R/B above and B/R below - the same is true at the other seam.
  21. Notice how the two color ribbons are flipped on either side of the seam - B&R vs R&B - it's a common Peltier trait.
  22. Then it's not an Opal - maybe an odd Tiger Eye type. If it was "normal", I would expect to see a different color patch on top.
  23. I'd have them with my Alleys. It helps quite a bit if you show the ends of any ribbons - I don't see any on the right one.
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