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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Just wanted to let you know. And thanks for editing your post. Lots of people consult these named threads and those in Steph's Study Hall looking for examples, it's nice to keep them "clean" so as not to mislead people.
  2. That's a Vitro Yellow Jacket, Warren, a lot less common than an All Red, and prettier too, IMO.
  3. That Buttermilk is a lot older and probably double the value of the Parrot.
  4. Ric

    Akro slags?

    They may all be Akro but 4 & 6 may deserve another view or two. If there is a visible cut-off it helps to see a straight-on shot of it and then pics of both sides (like you're showing in the last photo.
  5. Take good care of that left one, if it's mint at that size it's an expensive marble.
  6. Gotta remember, Vacor made swirls for a very long time, and we don't know a lot about their production prior to the time they started naming them. Regardless, that kind of orange peel is uncommon, maybe even rare, on American marbles.
  7. Slightly odd, but I'm thinking Ally on the right one. Left almost looks like it might be an older Vacor - orange peel galore!
  8. Wouldn't it be great if we could ID every marble? My guesses: Alley, Champion, Alley, Alley. It doesn't much matter though, the collectible and monetary value is minimal regardless of who made them.
  9. Yes, a Parrot, and a little unusual in how well it maintained is structure at that size, they usually get a bit twisted.
  10. Absolutely, Buttermilks - great marbles!
  11. Ric

    Red swirls

    They're giving me a JABO vibe.
  12. Probably Master. If not, Akro. Tough call for me since it's hard to make out the cut-offs.
  13. Ric

    New Brick

    Sweet marble, Rick!
  14. Dang, I'd love to see a Corkscrew with those colors - it's a great combo!
  15. Some lucky guy got this one for his birthday . . . What was I thinking!? lol
  16. A bit of AV to wake up this West Virginia Wednesday . . . Good Morning!
  17. It just doesn't look right for Akro to me - maybe JABO?
  18. I would say it's a Vitro with a big fold in it - the big ones can get pretty weird.
  19. I think JABO is a reasonable take on it.
  20. The pics are much more in focus but a straight on shot of the are in question would be helpful. At the moment something doesn't look quite right to me for Akro.
  21. They did make peewee corks but they are very uncommon. I would want to see better pics, for some reason these are very grainy, and I am not sure what's up with this . . . Makes me think it might be a lookalike.
  22. I should have looked at all the pics . . . it does look like a Rainbo.
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