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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric


    I'd say Alley first and Heaton second. It's pretty beat up and hard to get a good look at the details.
  2. That's a great bunch of old German hand-mades - a great keepsake collection!
  3. Not real common but not rare either.
  4. Yes, a Vitro Tiger Eye.. If it's opaque, it's a Type IV.
  5. My first thought is a Vitro Tiger Eye but it would be helpful to see both seams.
  6. Ric


    It would be helpful to see straight-on shots of the seams but I would guess Master based on what i can see.
  7. It's a very pretty marble - great blue. It's not one I would recognize as American. Although, I might be able to see Veiligglas.
  8. From what I can tell, he marbles appear to be from different makers. To identify them, I would need to see them in normal light to see the colors and look at any seams.
  9. It seems the bigger they get the wilder the get. Your first one's a beauty, and it looks like you save the crazy-patch Conquerors too. Here's one of my crazier Black Line All Reds:
  10. Ric


    It looks more like damage to me. Here is a good description of transitional pontils from the MCSA.
  11. Different glass formulas can show significantly different reactions to UV. The bright Vaseline green and bright white are not uncommon responses, nor is the orange coming from what is likely a yellow color.
  12. A very nice marble and a great photo, Art!
  13. Very nice, Hansel. Thanks for showing it! I think it's the only one I've seen all together, and with very nice marbles too.
  14. Wow, I've got to figure out a way to cut down on reflections - sorry.
  15. I'll like this marble no matter how often I see it!
  16. It really just depends on the company and the run. Game marbles often have patterns similar to the company's other marbles, just one color, and I have seen very nice patterns on some of them.
  17. I'd guess Alley but it might be some other company.
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