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Everything posted by Ric

  1. This is all great stuff, Chad - thanks for posting it!
  2. It looks like a cross through from here. And I would want an in-hand look but the first mib in your second group looks like it has Kokomo possibilities.
  3. I'm pretty sure about JABO too.
  4. I think it's an Alley.
  5. Ric


    Alley flame type, the reason I say "type" is because the definition of what constitutes a "Flame" seems to be evolving from 3 stacked flame tips to 5 or more so it sort of depends on who you ask. But yours is flamey, no doubt.
  6. The two on the left and the one just to the right of the big one are "Biscuits and Red Eye Gravy". I'm not sure about the ones with the orange/yellow color but they're great marbles.
  7. That's a beautiful Trilite on the right - they are from the Vienna location, I think.
  8. Probably the most common vintage Vitros you'll find. They made scads of them.
  9. Confirmed, a Peltier Rainbo.
  10. How about . . . 🎵 Hippo birdie two ewes, hippo birdie two ewes, Hippo birdie, dear Christian, Hippo birdie two ewes! 🎵
  11. Haha, this is a great idea for a topic, Chris. I hope to get some more posts!
  12. To quote, Art, I love this stuff! 😀
  13. Not yet, Gladys! Not done yet! Thanks a lot for all of your help!
  14. Most look like Alley Agate swirls to me but the middle of the third row looks like a Peltier Rainbo.
  15. I think a question for Jeff would be was there any transparent red or crystal used in the run?
  16. So Alley cullet was used for striping on transparent red baseglass? I could see that! Looking at Galdys' pics compared to the Jalley pic I posted, I'd say hers would be the cream of the crop.
  17. With St. Patty's Day coming up, I thought I would spread a little "luck of the Irish" . . . The biggest is 15/16" and the Rainbow Red is just for size comparison.
  18. If those are made from Alley cullet I will be astounded - the likelihood seems near zero to me. Here is a pic from the JABO Jalley run that @Bocci posted at Jabo Collectors of America
  19. Nah . . . are you're thinking about the Mansion run at JABO?
  20. Ric


    Gnarly lashes on this one, no doubt.
  21. Ric


    Me too - patch style. Some of them glow and others don't.
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