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Everything posted by Ric

  1. That's a beauty, Gladys! I like it when they get the thin stripes of color.
  2. Ric


    Tequila Sunrise sounds right to me, Jim, but names aren't my strong suite.
  3. Very cool, Rick - it"s hard to believe those are already 20 years old!
  4. I agree, and I'll say Akro on the third one - an unspun corkscrew is my bet. And that Peltier Banana looks to have full fat vanes - just the way I like them. It doesn't look like there are two distinct bananas to me.
  5. I see what you did there, Dave - nice dark to light blue progression! Does the base on the last one react to UV?
  6. Get it @Chris Parson ? I hope you have a great day!
  7. Nice Marbles, William. Of course, I especially like the brown one!
  8. That's right, Chris. I guess I didn't have the words right. I assume the round boules are used on your village court?
  9. Ric


    Look at the edges of the ribbons. To me, it looks more like white thinning out over black than the other way around. Use a magnifier if you have to - you should be able to tell.
  10. Ric


    Ain't marbles fun! lol.
  11. Popeyes have transparent clear, whispy white and at least two other colors - red with yellow, and green with yellow, are the most common color combinations, but there are others, and exceptional examples can have three or four colors with the white and transparent glass.
  12. Thanks for posting that oddball Gladys - it was all kinds of fun!
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