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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I'm pretty confident they're all Vitro, William.
  2. I will add that the base glass on the marbles you posted here looks to be of much lower quality than the Veiligglas marbles I am familiar with.
  3. The colors are unusual for Vitro, no doubt - they look more Akro, but I still think it's a Vitro because it looks veneered. Let me check to see if I have any similar.
  4. Haha, and babies play with 10 kg boulders, I suppose. lol.
  5. This conversation would be much simpler if we had big handfuls of verified examples of each type to compare. I really don't even know what the full range of variations in Veiligglas marbles is.
  6. Ric

    UV Pelt?!

    It's Vitro - a Conquereor or maybe a Dultite.
  7. I wonder, do young children play with lighter wooden ones maybe?
  8. I agree the first is a Vacor Liberty and I think there is a chance the other two are Asian.
  9. They may have made some at Pennsboro but I think the vast majority of these types were made at St. Marys.
  10. Yeah, I should have added metal to the list. 🙂 My understanding is that they a pretty heavy.
  11. It's a tough question, Chris. To me, the striping in the marbles you show seems less smooth and flowing than the striping on most Veiligglas marbles I'm familiar with. Here are a couple of groups WInnie posted in 2016:
  12. It looks close but seems too bright, at least in these pics.
  13. From the St. Mary's location.
  14. The really unique thing about this game is that you can place a bunch of balls in the chute and launch one or two balls at once depending on how many ejector balls you load in the chamber - a pretty cool demonstration of conservation of momentum. 🙂
  15. A few remarkably clean Cairos . . .
  16. e.g., Please begin the title of threads with dated documents with the date of the document stated as year-mm-dd followed by -- and a brief description.
  17. This is such a good idea - I really want to see it work well. I'd be tempted to put the date format info right up in the forum header too. This from a guy who knows that nobody actually reads the syllabus until it's too late.
  18. Man oh man, William. I really like the colors of that marble!
  19. Another thought, if dates are in the format 2022-01-30 (year-month-day) sorting will work better. Otherwise, separation by month will be in alphabetical and not chronological order.
  20. Sounds good, Steph. Now, an explicit sticky note at the top to encourage proper formatting of titles might be helpful.
  21. Thank you, Roberto - it does seem like there is plenty of room for clarification.
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