The colors are unusual for Vitro, no doubt - they look more Akro, but I still think it's a Vitro because it looks veneered. Let me check to see if I have any similar.
This conversation would be much simpler if we had big handfuls of verified examples of each type to compare. I really don't even know what the full range of variations in Veiligglas marbles is.
It's a tough question, Chris. To me, the striping in the marbles you show seems less smooth and flowing than the striping on most Veiligglas marbles I'm familiar with. Here are a couple of groups WInnie posted in 2016:
The really unique thing about this game is that you can place a bunch of balls in the chute and launch one or two balls at once depending on how many ejector balls you load in the chamber - a pretty cool demonstration of conservation of momentum. 🙂
e.g., Please begin the title of threads with dated documents with the date of the document stated as year-mm-dd followed by -- and a brief description.
This is such a good idea - I really want to see it work well.
I'd be tempted to put the date format info right up in the forum header too. This from a guy who knows that nobody actually reads the syllabus until it's too late.
Another thought, if dates are in the format 2022-01-30 (year-month-day) sorting will work better. Otherwise, separation by month will be in alphabetical and not chronological order.