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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Looks like a Marble King Anemic Bumblebee.
  2. Nice slags, Dave - light to dark this time around, huh?
  3. Nice marbles, William. What is that last one?
  4. Nice marble, Gladys, it looks like an old Alley to me.
  5. The colors, all of them, but especially the pale blue and purple, look Vitro to me, and Jabo didn't really veneer their colors did they?
  6. Ric

    ID help

    William's got it!
  7. I hope the key word in that sentence is "looked". You don't think the OP are Jabo do you?
  8. A few interesting Black Line All Reds . . .
  9. Oh my, Gladys, I would know where those were at all times - they're really nice ones.
  10. It's not too uncommon for the ribbons to blend into a patch on Rainbos - sometimes only on one side and sometimes on both.
  11. Have I seen these referred to as "Irish" or is that an altogether different marble?
  12. Dandy Vitros, Gladys! How big are they?
  13. Ric

    ALLEY? .58

    I'm thinking Heaton is a fair possibility.
  14. Unfortunately, that shot is not real helpful - a bit too much top-lighting to see what's going on inside. But from the looks of it, I think JABO is likely the best possibility.
  15. Thanks for the history lesson, Ron. It's really interesting. It seems like the Vitro Agate brand had a slow decline to oblivion. Am I right to assume that Henrey Fisher was Art's son?
  16. You have a lot of great multicolor pieces, Ron. And thanks for the info - it didn't show well in the pic but there is definitely a metallic sheen on the blue inside the lid of the powder I showed.
  17. I don't know if Cairo made a black (purple) marble or not but if they did it wouldn't surprise me if it looked a bit like this one.
  18. I discovered that Bauman refers to the middle one as a "Mist" and says they are "scarce", which might explain why, unless I missed one, it's the only one shown in this 17 page thread. Who knew?
  19. This surely counts as score! The marbles are great and will be really fun to sort. I'll be interested to see the contents of that Big Dime box (open it carefully). And those target games are super fun - don't be afraid to try it, they are remarkably durable.
  20. Wow, Ron, thanks for doing the work I know this took! What a bunch of great examples - a post for the archives, for sure.
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