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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    Orange Slag

    Looks like a German striped transparent to me.
  2. Ric


    I think newer but not too new. I have no real idea of when it was made though - maybe 1990s-2000s?
  3. Flat side or not, the first one is great!
  4. They look like newer MKs or maybe foreign, at least to me.
  5. Why not a big Vitro gone wild? I see two cut lines.
  6. I didn't know they made them this big. Is it an 80s marble?
  7. Ric

    .62 Akro?

    They're not too uncommon for an old Vitro.
  8. Third mib in the first row and 6th mib in the 3rd row look unusual to me. And the yellow on white are the least common of the common white-based ones.
  9. Both Alley and Raveswood made marbles similar to this, but I think this one is Alley.
  10. Good eye, Dave - it's a cross-through cat's eye!
  11. Ric

    Akro? .55

    I agree, I based the Ace idea on the fact that it looks more like an uncorked corkscrew than a patch to me.
  12. I'll bet @Chad G. knows more about @1Alleynut who hasn't logged in here since 2016.
  13. Ric

    Akro? .55

    Maybe an odd Ace type.
  14. Likes are nice but marbles are waaay better!
  15. I don't see Peltier - might be a weird Vitro.
  16. Ric

    Akro? .55

    It does look Akro. Does it glow under UV?
  17. Ric

    all akro?

    Not the last one. I'd be thinking WV swirl for it - looks more Heaton, or maybe Jabo, to me.
  18. I'd say JABO too - 1" ones are not so uncommon.
  19. A few more variations on a theme. The biggest is 31/32" (No. 6) . . . I haven't found too many patches.
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