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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Hint no. 1 - there are no Cairos in the box. Tommy has marble #1 correct (Alley) and 4 of the 5 companies too (see my edit of his response here). Now you just need to come up with the 5th company and associate each with the marbles they made.
  2. One thing I have always liked about you, Tommy - you're a gamer! #6 is the one that stumped me when I made my first attempt many years ago.
  3. Come on now, Art - I'll bet you can pick out the one that's NOT a WVS. 🙂
  4. Thanks for the correction, TJ. I haven't had those marbles in hand for probably ten years but I seem to recall that they were typical size - 5/8" or very close.
  5. I have not seen pearlized shooters or double ingots but I think I recall dug examples, and boxed sets of Peerless Patches.
  6. The base is different on these but, interestingly, they also lack the typical Pelt flip-flop.
  7. Another nice one from Billy's archive - I think these are (or maybe were?) called Persians . . .
  8. Sorry, Tommy, I should have said there are five different companies represented. And you did get #1!
  9. From brother Billy's archive . . . Obviously polished.
  10. @The Nickel Guy Great job - your stand looks even better with marbles on it! And I appreciate the creative repurposing too!
  11. I wish I would have kept my cache of "foreign" Cat's Eyes. Unfortunately, that's all I knew about them around 20 years or so ago when I parted with about 10 gallons of them - they were not American made. I kick myself for that now that we are learning so much more about them. And it was very much against my nature, since I usually will not part with a marble that I can't identify.
  12. @Nantucketdink Great examples - thanks for posting them!
  13. Given the numbers, I'm guessing it was a happy accident.
  14. I'd still like to see a couple of back-lit pics, just for fun. 🙂
  15. I have found lighting angle and proper reflection are the keys. In the bottom left marble in your second pic, the reflection off the metal is coming too directly back at the lens so you get a "hot spot" and can't see the metallic reflection well. In the lower right photo, the reflection comes off the marble at an angle away from the lens and the metal shows much better. Of course, every marble is different so you may have to play around with it some but, in general, considering this will lead to better results, IMO.
  16. Colors are that of a regular old Tricolor P&R - I think it's one of those so called "MK swirls".
  17. This is one of my favorite mementos from Ron - he called it a "quiz box" - there are five different companies represented.
  18. Thanks for posting these detail photos, Aiko! There are some very nice colorful Cat's Eyes. I hope to start looking for examples in my own collection soon.
  19. The colors don't look Vitro to me. My guess is a dug Marble King.
  20. I would really like to see this one backlit - I'm leaning toward CAC - maybe a Bloody?
  21. Nice marbles, Jess - probably the best examples of metallic corkscrews I have seen - the first one is exceptional!
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