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Everything posted by Ric

  1. @Royal3 That's a nice Alley and it looks to be in excellent condition - the glass is so soft on those they're usually pretty beat up. Have you ever seen one in player size?
  2. Good call on the color blend - you got it!
  3. They're cool mibs, Dave. I believe most of the big Masters in Alox bags are more like 7/8" - 15/16"
  4. That's a nice find, Nate - I feel fortunate to have one!
  5. Elvis had marbles?!
  6. Looks like your little friend had a blast - what fun! I wish I had his hair.
  7. @shiroaiko I want to thank you for all of the research you have done and for educating us about the history of marble making in Japan. The information you provide has been a long time coming, and as a fan of old Japanese marbles, I really appreciate it! Please keep up the good work!
  8. Here are a couple of good Akros from brother Billy's archive . . .
  9. I am originally from Michigan and I really do like winter - just not 5 months of it!
  10. This is very cool, Art. I can just imagine you and the missus reenacting Saturday Night Fever. 😄
  11. Ric


    @disco005 The owl photos are great, Jess. They are such awesome creatures. We have several that visit our yard regularly and we love to listen to them "chatting" just after dark. I figure there are at least 6 or 7 of them out in the woods behind our house and when they get revved up, it is a beautiful thing to hear.
  12. Ric


    You are a very talented artist, Fire. This painting, in particular, really speaks to me.
  13. It's as good as the day it arrived it, Joep, and I still love it. It is the first lamp we turn on in the morning and the last one we turn off at night, every single day. I kid you not. 🙂
  14. It's an old novelty card. The rider is on the back of the card. If you tie a string to each vertical edge and twirl it the rider appears to be on the Donkey.
  15. I believe those are modern Mexican or Asian marbles - generally called "confetti style", but aome might have names that I don't know. I think the likelihood of finding and authenticating a Vitro Confetti "in the wild" is slim to none.
  16. My understanding is that "tweeners" describe some Peltier marbles that were produced during the transition from the classic NLRs to the more common Rainbos. Such marbles don't fit neatly into either the NLR or Rainbo category. I call this one is a tweener . . .
  17. I don't think there is a specific term for that sort of thing. I would just call it an inadvertent second color. Sorta looks like a weak Strawberry Shortcake variant.
  18. AFAIK, Master has never been dug and Master errors are rare as hen's teeth.
  19. Slag for me too.
  20. Here is a 7/8" floral china that I don't think has made this thread yet . . .
  21. That is really interesting, it seems like an "end of cane" or "error cane" marble, but I don't think I've ever seen another marble from a cane like that - unusual for sure, and very cool! @davesnothere That blue jelly is very nice!
  22. Jumpin' Jimminy, Tommy, you found a dandy!
  23. Thanks, Art. I think Vitro's very first Cat's Eyes had four wavy vanes but the vast, vast, majority of those I have seen are a single color. I think the majority of Vitro hybrids are 5 vanes, at least. And the glass, structure and color of this one has me leaning very hard toward Heaton.
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