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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric


    I am not seeing Akro but I am not sure what I am seeing.
  2. Hey Chad, I was referring to this ad: It seems they are talking about Peppermints - I was wondering about mica "stars" to go with the stripes. At some point I am going to try to identify the earliest reference to American machine made glass marbles in this collection of ads.
  3. I think the top two are Aquamilks. The bottom three are aquamarines. I like 'em.
  4. Nice work, Chuck - pretty steady hand for an OG!
  5. Looks like a machine-made that got twisted in the rollers. Given these views and the 1" size, I won't venture more than that.
  6. Nice Tiger Eyes. Here's a little pink to go with that purple. And what I call a reverse Conqueror, just for fun.
  7. This is a nice bit of work, Chad - a very nice contribution to the forum. I like the reference to "National Colors Marbles". I wonder if they had "stars" in them too - no mention I could find.
  8. I do love Vitros, and you have some nice ones!
  9. I had not looked at the PAM book in years. The only Heaton names mentioned are: Dragon's Blood, Robins Egg, Green Snake, Fawn Swirl, Dad's Fancy, and Johnny Reb. But there probably aren't a lot of people who could put these names together with the corresponding marbles. I do believe Robin's Egg has stuck though.
  10. I should have said that . . . Unfortunately, the quality of the many marble photos is not very good.
  11. That's a nice group. It's always fun to try and fill a space - a box, a jar, whatever.
  12. I think quite a few were named in Popular American Marbles.
  13. It's an oddball, but if I saw either of those polar patches alone without the ribbons, I would say Pelt, for sure.
  14. Yes, a photo or two would be great. "Playday" is not a mesh I am familiar with but I have seen Ravenswood marbles packaged in "Playtime" mesh bags.
  15. Nice Akros! I don't collect them but I have a few.
  16. As far as "are they Pelt or not"? I even wonder about these . . . I know some people say they are Pelts but . . .?
  17. Like you, Chad, the black ones I have seen I was not convinced were Pelt. I have had a few that really had me thinking about the possibility though. I would have to see one that has no vanes (or very close to no vanes) to be convinced, and the one's I have seen have don't fit that description.
  18. I have always enjoyed looking at cats - and those are a couple of nice ones. My favorites are the old Vitros that are stuffed to the gills.
  19. That's what I'm talking about, Bill! Did you forget you had them or something? The Jolly Roger fits the thread perfectly - HTF 2 color corkscrews - great orange peel on that one. The other ones ain't bad either. How big are they again?
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