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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Winnie, That is a nice one!
  2. I think blue bleeding over white is very possible on yours, each of which has blue on it. Notice that the only marble of mine with blue on it is the only one in the bag that does not have blue in the base. On the others in that package, it appears that the base glass itself is light blue and not blue from "wash over" of a nearby blue color.
  3. There are some nice looking marbles in there, for sure. Thanks for the pics!
  4. These colors do look similar to Vitro but a gut feeling tells me these are not Vitro marbles and I don't think they were made in the USA.
  5. Ric

    Patch Red Line

    It has an odd twist in it, which complicates things. The patch and the stripe color looks okay for Vitro but the base looks funny. Although purple is a popular Vitro color, I don't think I have seen a similar translucent purple base on Vitro before. I am sorry I can't be more help.
  6. Thanks for sharing. I like it too!
  7. I think it may be a HG CAC American Agate, FWIW.
  8. That is a great marble, Lloyd. Winnie, I had not seen the baby blue base on All Reds before. Look at how it makes the red and yellow colors change compared to the white-based marbles in the bottom bag - not very attractive IMO. And avatar is correct. The face made me think of Picasso when I first saw it. I am glad it makes you smile - me too.
  9. I am not really seeing Pelt here. The base is unusual - it looks like it could be Kokomo. But from what I have seen of their marbles, which is quite a bit, these almost look too nice. Vitro could be the better bet. Whatever they are, they are nice marbles.
  10. Nice colors, the square ribbon-tip is way cool. I probably have similar somewhere around here.
  11. I am enjoying this thread. 7/8" Vitro . . . Four in the top bag have a baby blue base. I saw the same packaging with 5/8" baby blue-based marbles just like these at the Buckeye show. Steph got me thinking about them here.
  12. And you don't see one of those every day.
  13. Ric


    Yup, those are some pretty little Alley Agate swirls. I think if you look real close you might see that the base on the one that glows has a hint of green in it - probably a bit of Vitrolite glass.
  14. Kind of an odd green, but why not Peltier?
  15. Nice board. Nice marbles too. Flowers are always cool.
  16. Interesting, I always liked Tom and Jerry.
  17. Perhaps the boxes were found and filled after MK started making marbles? Weren't some early bags - Pelts, Alleys or MKs, in the same style packaging?
  18. That is the article, Steph, as it is. And I am thinking the inscribed one is real stone - cold and heavy.
  19. I seem to remember reading about the winner of a speed competition in an old newpaper article but I do not recall specifics. There was a big advertzing blitz in New York and Pennsylvania the weekend before the game came out. Seems it was a hit. I found this interesting 1 3/8" stone marble in the same collection, as is - inscribed so others would recognize it, I guess.
  20. They look like bullet mold types to me.
  21. Nice, Bill. You sure you're not back in Illinois?
  22. It looks sorta like a slag . . . is it an amber/orange-base with white? It doesn't look like a wirepull to me and it seems sorta nice for a Champion so . . . ?
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