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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Wow Bruce, You weren't kidding when you said marbleS. Great find - too much fun!
  2. Nice, Big John. I'm keen on the green. Here's some on a Cairo.
  3. Nice little six-ribbon transparent there, Felicia. You gotta watch some those Rainbos . . . heck, I've even found NLRs contaminating my WV swirls.
  4. Glad you had an enjoyable day, Bill. You deserve all the good you get. And if you keep it up, I think we're going to have to start adding adjectives to better describe that herd of yours . . . like maybe a multitudinous herd . . . or perhaps . . . a herd of myriad beasts . . . or . . . something like that. LOL.
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL! I hope you have a great day today! And every day for that matter!
  6. No kiddin', Bill,the variation in Rainbos is phenomenal! I know we are only supposed to post a single marble or marbles with the same colors, and I might be stretching it a bit. But I don't think you'll find a color on any of these that isn't in the third one (clear, white, yellow, orange and red).
  7. Very cool - a first for me. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Hey Craig, In my opinion, there really is no substitute for good mentors and in-hand experience. I also think there will always be marbles that can be honestly ID'd as "either or", and I'm O.K. with that. But then, I collect WV swirls, so if I weren't O.K. with that, I would probably be institutionalized by now. And not to change the subject, but I would like to know if anybody has CACs with a fluorescent base similar to the one you showed initially. If so, I would really like to see some photos.
  9. Hey Al, I think that either Lou's double dipping on his Birthday or we started with the Birthday celebration a day early LOL Check Here
  10. Hey Ron, I hope everything is great with you. I think you remember this marble correctly. There are no seams to speak of. The construction is similar to many Alleys, and although the colors do look pretty Vitro in the right light, the base is more creamy than the Vitros I've seen and the blue seems more powder blue than typical Aquamarines. Also, the striping does not look like ox - more of a brown/red and, overall, the glass is not as filamentous as the aquamarines I've seen either. But ultimately, whether it's an Alley or an odd Vitro, it's a really nice marble. And more importantly, I'm sure we'll have great fun discussing the possibilities when we meet again. For me, that's the best part of this hobby. If I ever do get a "positive" ID, it'll wind up on the shelf, just like a book I've already read - great for reference and nice to revisit occasionally, but lacking the excitement and expectation associated with finding and reading the next great one.
  11. LOL, Kevin, LOL Maybe some other time. It's not a swirl. I've lost interest for the moment.
  12. Excellent work, Joe! I poked around the site a while and it really looks great - very nice photos!
  13. Nice Paula, Is that a Pelt Ruby Somethingoranother?
  14. Happy Birthday, Lou. I hope it's a great one!
  15. Another Alley . . . right? LOL.
  16. There's just something about red & gold in a marble.
  17. Hey Edna, Here's the only one that wound up in my Ravenswood box. And in hand (maybe even in pics), you can discern differences from the others I posted. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they were produced by different companies, but it also doesn't suggest that they were produced by the same one.
  18. Hey Kevin, To the best of my knowledge, it's a Ravenswood. Not mint by any stretch, but a killer nonetheless.
  19. Here are a few similar marbles that I am pretty confident are Alley. They glow too. And the base and striping colors look a bit different than the one you show, IMHO. -Ric
  20. Oh yeah, Bill. Now, there's some for the book!
  21. Brother Bill, You need to be more assertive! lol I just realized that's a perfect example of "the pot calling the kettle black" - sorry!
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