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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by migbar

  1. Thank you all again. These are all sold except the one with too much aventurine. I'm going to try to squeeze out some more this weekend, but I never know if a good one will happen. thanks again, mike
  2. Thank you Griff and Sue. That green one has a little too much aventurine. I actually sold a few marbles ! I'm so exciting ! M!b$...one dollar shipping works for me, except when I send them out of the country. I sent twenty dollars worth to England once, and the shipping was $30. I suck at business stuff.
  3. Thank you very much. Ruth, I can't make the show, but these, and too many more, are available on my website, (link below), just click the "for sale" place at the upper right, somewheres. thanks again, mike b.
  4. Thanks Lloyd, me too. See, Stephanie ? Don't need no patent to get the feathering with that flatulence.
  5. I made some more Nottmillers #2516 #2518 #2523 #2521, a folded Nottmiller Thank you for looking, mike b.
  6. It's a guy thing, I guess. I can count to about 20 1/2.
  7. m!b$.....What I meant by my dumb remark, was that calculus and trig rarely helped me out later in life, but algebra and geometry are useful quite often, and much more fun.
  8. This topic is more like geometry, I think. Calculus and trigonometry are stupid.
  9. I like to say stupid things there. I mean, there, too. mike
  10. Of the three marbles farthest to the right, are the top one and bottom one CAC's ? mike
  11. Hey Bigjohn, nice car, there. Two of the marbles on it almost look like barton/jabos. Great marbles Anthony ! mike
  12. The diagramming Jeff lived in Joplin, last I heard.
  13. I believe the feathered slags came later.
  14. I found only one white slag at Peltier, and it looked just like the ones in the box of post #4. mike
  15. I'm with Galen. Jabo makes single stream marbles.
  16. The 1989 one really was World Series class.
  17. Stephanie, I don't understand what you are saying. ( that's never happened before ! ) Regarding turquoise glass with red, isn't the alternative simply that a red was added to the turquoise ? I don't know either about any of this, just seems logical. Isn't that the symbol for Prince ? It won't catch on.
  18. Stephanie, I would be very surprised if an oxblood color could accidentally occur in turqouise glass, no matter how much copper it has in it, or whatever process it goes through. mike
  19. Congratulations, and way to go, Em ! I'll talk at you later, privately, when it warms up a tad.
  20. You are happily remembered, of course. Please say hello to Emmy. Welcome back ! mike b.
  21. It's not me, I already have some. Good luck trying to sell it, that's hard to do, I think. mike
  22. Prizes ! I could scrape off my initials, and donate a few Jabos. mike b.
  23. Production figures can be misleading. In 1927, 40% of Peltier's marbles were seconds, some usable, most not. In 1933/34 Peltier made about 160,000 picture marbles. By late 1937, they had sold only about 30,000, and 20,000 were missing or unaccounted for, and the remaining 120,000 were junked. I wonder how many of the Jabos are actually played with, compared to the Peltier marbles made 80 years ago. Just because a marble maker signs his mibs, doesn't necessarily mean he is proud of them. I sign my marbles so the unscrupulous sellers won't try to pass them off as Jabos, to get more money. mike b.
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