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MC Marbles

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Everything posted by MC Marbles

  1. This morning I went to see Marbles on Ebay as usual. There is now only one section for marbles as apposed to pre-1970, post 1970 and hand made marbles. What is worse...there are less than 100 total listings for marbles. What the heck did they do now???
  2. I've heard them called snow-balls. (Not that I agree with the name)
  3. Steph nailed it. These are very sought after mibs...
  4. They could be tumbled, saved from a fish tank, or modern with an acid frosted finish...
  5. Summit Co. had multiple potteries. Stoneware, Clay Tile ect... Also what about the Akron Rollers?
  6. I think Ebay seller pawn-masters is also selling marbles under gsegold http://www.ebay.com/sch/Machine-Made-/2573/m.html?item=121845292351&hash=item1c5e8b9d3f%3Ag%3A-4sAAOSwo3pWd3gA&_ssn=gsegold
  7. Taged as Mint.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Akro-Agate-Corkscrew-Popeye-Hybird-Marble-11-16-TR-50-Mint-/291633432434?hash=item43e6b50772:g:sMEAAOSwAKxWZPbc
  8. I agree on the above hints on polished mib surface. As to the whispy white, popeyes can do some weird things.
  9. Perhaps many tiny bubbles instead of mica. Yours looks like a machine made marble.
  10. I've always thought of a Blue Panda as mostly opauge. I have NLRs with white ribbons & a transparent blue base. There is probably a name for them out there.somewhere.
  11. Firkin may refer to: Firkin (unit), Small cask used for liquids, butter, salt, and sometimes fish:Firkin, a volume of beer; see English brewery cask units#Firkin
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