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Everything posted by romanoak

  1. I really like the "agateware" I have found examples from 5/8" to carpet bowls 3-1/4" most are 2 color but have some 4 color.
  2. 2" single pontil with lobed suspended mica and mint. My best German handmade
  3. Hansel, great group. I have a couple never knew as much about them. I think you are supposed to put the carvings in your pockets for them to be effective. If I can get organized will post pics. Bill
  4. Plan to get there Wednesday also see you then.
  5. Buckeye show in Canton is on Sept. 1, with the usual room trade for a few days before. Hope to see everyone there. Bill
  6. This is a nice friendly show. Will be plenty of good marbles and plenty of collectors who will love to answer questions and show off their marbles. I will get there Friday and bring some for sale and some of my keepers. hope you make it.
  7. I remember having a discussion with Brian Graham about his research on MFC and he said never found any red glass at MFC. This one just feels foreign to me.
  8. One of first experiences as a newby 25 or so yrs ago. Why do you want to know how much I want for that marble but you can't (won't) tell me what it is? :-) Turns out was a shooter 4 color christensen flame. Dumb luck I bought the group because it had a beat up peppermint in it.
  9. Optional:-) I tried it amazing thing was 30-40% of the listings were for Jabo. So this means the seller has to intentionally flood the pre 1970 with new marbles, no accidental listing in wrong category here. if I were looking for Jabo why would I look in pre 1970. Not changing the subject but Ebay has made searching for vintage,antique collectable marble a joke and it used to be easier to ignore the flooding of the jabos when you had hopes of finding marbles also listed that were at least appropriate to the category. No beefs with jabo collectors just the sellers,and EBAY.
  10. WANTED, Randy, is that a west coast name for those? I always just called them white ribbon lutz. :-)
  11. I plan to arrive Wednesday if mother nature agrees. Any special requests before I pack.
  12. I have a nice 15/16, it is the second one I have had that size.
  13. The onionskin with suspended mica was right in the estimate if you add 22% buyers premium, 6% sales tax= $8350+- add shipping. BTW it was pretty nice in hand too. Several of the really special handmades had sold a Morphy's in the past. At the top of the market if you take "the high bidder" and make him a seller it can really change the competitve level, and maybe that showed at this auction. Bill
  14. Great board Bob, I got the 67 hole board and a big blue glass ribbon lutz, to replace one that I traded away last year and a couple other things. I thought the prices for lutz held up very well considering the saturation level. Frustrating to play in the deep end without having them in hand. Makes me worry if I am bidding on something and there are no floor bids, just internet activity. Bill
  15. Chad, might have a 1-1/4" indian etc. maybe trade for/ toward couple of pelts I traded to you for a lutz. Bill
  16. I'll be in Thursday. Never thought I would say this but Southwest sucks. No connections that work to get home after show. Can't believe Delta has connections on full size planes. Although have to fly through Atlanta which means I turn around there and fly back west over lexington . Any request on what I bring marble wise. Bill
  17. Ann Frustrating as that may be they could call them transitions . There are probably more who know exactly what marble they are describing based on "Leighton" than those who are confused by the terminology. Combine the old school who have used that term for single ground pontil marbles for years and those who now use the term for melted pontil marbles from Ohio but know the history of the changes of marble nomenclature. Bill
  18. Talk about the ultimate frustration. I grew up 15 min from the auction. Went to Don's show in Ann Arbor years ago, and no way I can go to the auction. I have spoken with the auctioneers and did get a few extra pics big pink one has some damage and the clam also the two i got good pics of. Can leave absentee bid but no phone bids. Trying to see if brother in law will go bid but he knows nothing about marbles. Bill
  19. These aren't new! 1-3/8" to 1-7/8+. Still looking for a big purple Mfc. Bill
  20. Bob is correct, Running Rabbit sold a 3-1/4" divided core back in the 90's. It is the same marble that Randy bought at Morphys a few years ago. That one is the largest i have seen or had in hand. I have probably 20 or so 2-3/8- 2-1/2 in my collection. But for every vintage handmade i see that is a full 2-1/2" I will see dozens 2-3/8" Bill
  21. Greg, The Mckinley Sulfide received no bid lowest they asked for was $750. If I recall right they had one other lot that they got no bid asking 50. Bill
  22. I went to the auction and picked up a few lots. If you like sulfides (not my cup of tea) it was the place to be. They couldn't give them away. The groups of handmades had some great marbles in them if you took the time to go through them and sold reasonable. Sunday morning after Morphys I went to Reningers flea market just up the street and found a great 1-13/16 mint deep lobed onion which made the trip worthwhile. Bill
  23. Has anyone seen this box before. I have seen a pic before but never in hand. This box is missing bowtie and pencil. Thanx Bill
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