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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Geesh, I just like this Random Non-Marble Eye Candy forum/topic so much! Whoever came up with it must be brilliant! Tonight I feel like picking on Ann, because I don't always respond to all of her great posts. I really appreciate the ongoing inner and outer space photos. Which loosely means 'clouds' and 'who knows what' even farther away. They're often 'graphically outrageous', which is a great thing in itself. But I think there's even more to it. If you're a traditionally 'religious' person, I'd say that meditating on these various shapes and patterns that you see in 'natural phenomena' can definitely get you 'closer to God'. If not, I'd say that you can 'energize' a large fraction of the brain, that we apparently don't use, by the same technique. Depending upon 'responses', if any, I could expand this a little.
  2. All heck was just breaking loose outside storm-wise. But looking out one window, all I saw was bright sunlight. This made me realize that conditions were 'ripe', so I got off my lazy butt and went outside to see if I'd get lucky. Nothing really spectacular, but I'm always on the lookout for rainbows and haven't seen one in years, so I was pretty happy. ( :
  3. kbobam


    Hee-hee! I'm sure the overall situation more than makes up for a need to be prepared for consequences! No problem with bringing up incredibly good-sounding stuff. I've gotten myself into a mental state where I can enjoy the idea of looking forward to going out tomorrow and getting something really good. These all sound really great. Gouda comes into the category of things for which I can say "I've never had a (gouda) I didn't like. Some are just a little better than others." And white cheddar might be my overall favorite. Particularly if it's sharp and benefits greatly from being brought to room temperature. ( :
  4. kbobam


    There's no way I'm going to be able to watch this tv show. Just seeing it in the listings is already causing me a little discomfort, because there's little food in the house and I'm not going anywhere today. But boy this looks good! (In this particular situation, the smiley is not indicating a joke. It's simply salivating.)
  5. kbobam

    Big Old Car

    Gotta like it! ( :
  6. I thought it looked a little unusual, but didn't really know. Good to hear from someone who's involved in the 'selling' side of things. I can think of several possibilities, but I suppose it's just a 'guessing game'. ( :
  7. You already did the right thing yesterday when you posted in buy/sell/trade. The only proper (slightly sneaky) way for you to double-post in the 'general' section would be for you to start a topic called "Show Us Your Honey Onyx!" Add a picture of a nice one, and make a comment like "Always enjoy seeing these! Would also like to add more to my collection if any are available. Please send P.M. Thanks!" This is my personal comment, and I'm making it in the middle of 'happy hour'. It does not necessarily reflect the views of anyone involved in the administration of this forum.
  8. Okay. Looking back, I can see where you lead into it in a humorous way. But I still stand by my comment.
  9. Hansel, there are great lessons in the 'omission' link you posted. I think everyone should read it regardless of their particular persuasion. Steph, you're a nice person. Not that many people have it in them to have an immediate reaction like that. What does everyone think the pattern of the bidding suggests? There's a slow steady increase up to the three hundred dollar level. This is achieved one hour before the auction is over. Then everything stops for the remaining hour until the very last minute. At which point you see that giant three hundred dollar jump right at the end.
  10. kbobam

    Had To Laugh

    And let's not forget the memorable television series "Ellen" from 1994-1998. ( : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_(TV_series)
  11. Ha! The more I thought about it, the more I understood your point. It's not exactly the kind of product people store in their bomb shelters, is it? But the overall 'system' of supply, distribution, and storage is perfectly balanced wherever you go. (I think this is because of those people in Wisconsin. They're really intelligent and shrewd, and know how to maintain the correct supply/demand ratio. And how to make superior 'product' which keeps us 'hooked'. It's wise not to 'mess' with them. Mom knew enough to be scared. So follow her advice and continue to "Drink your milk!" )
  12. Had a sudden urge to listen to The Bangles. In spite of my increasing ability to hate just about everything, I continue to like them. I was thinking in particular about the song 'In A Different Light'. and only just now realized that that's the actual album title. I think there's a reason for this. The lyrics of this song are pure poetry. Someone knew this when the album was made, but several other songs became much more popular. Sorry. 'Walk Like An Egyptian' doesn't do it for me. ( : I wanna make a movie I wanna put you on the silver screen Sit in a darkened room and look at you from a distance Wanna write a novel Freeze all your expressions into words Come back later and read about what I should have heard I want to paint your portrait Hang your colors on my wall Discussing form and content with my friends and drinks And no one thinks at all... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVjVLdExWl4
  13. Literal laugh out loud on that one! Some part of me was thinking about the shorts, but I didn't want to admit it.
  14. Oh man! I can't stop laughing!
  15. What approach were you hoping to take? Did you want to do a lot of walking? Or maybe you liked the idea of driving an effectively 'British' vehicle. ( :
  16. I have always been amazed by how well the postal service works. (In my particular situation, I'm referring to the United States.) For some reason, it's common here to poke fun at them. You see this in television comedy shows all the time. It's even an accepted term to say that someone 'went postal'. This means that a person had a sudden nervous breakdown. I don't get it. Considering the gazillions of items that this organization deals with, it's incredible how well all the people involved do their jobs. Today I was eager to send a package first thing in the morning. Temporary car-trouble didn't let me do this. But later in the day I finally got the errand done. Was only feeling partially satisfied about accomplishing this. But several hours later I checked the 'tracking' number I'd been given. Couldn't believe how quickly things were moving along. Made me feel so much better. It would be interesting to hear how those in other countries feel about their 'mail'. And of course comments from fellow Yanks are welcome as well. ( :
  17. Whew. There continue to be so many great marbles here. I'd be even more annoying than I already am if I commented on all of them, so regretfully I won't. Winnie's "patch.av" is beautiful. I've always loved JABO's green aventurine patches of a similar nature. Still do. But this one has a 'sophisticated elegance' to it that's pretty special. Mostly I'm going to pick on Darla tonight. Holy jumping jiminy geesh! That last marble hit all my personal buttons and just made my jaw drop! Is it the colors? Pattern? I have no idea. But it's just killing me. What would you call it? A root beer limeade? Hold onto that one. I don't know much about marbles, but my psychic prediction is that it will be worth a million dollars in a few years.
  18. Sorry I can't answer the original question. But it leads to the technical question "What Exactly Is Aventurine In Marbles?" I have a nifty-looking two inch 'mineral sphere' that's basically solid green aventurine. It's a type of quartz. But I don't think that's what you're talking about here.
  19. Sometimes I worry that some of the things I say here give the impression that I think it's best not to trust anyone. This is far from the truth. Recently mentioned the old tv series 'Grace Under Fire' in another topic, because I like the lead character's old car. But the actress in this show is someone you can completely trust. Anything Brett Butler says is 100% true!
  20. Oh boy! This is already a good one! Must go into 'random statement' mode here. I really like 'Battler' and 'Used' marbles. The Alley Ox made me do an OOOh-Out-Loud. This is possibly my personal interpretation, but I'm really glad that it was subtly suggested that JABO has often done 'greens' of particular distinction. Had no idea that there could be such a perfect non-Pelt 7up. ( :
  21. Stare at the pocket-watch swinging back and forth...... You're getting very sleeeeepy...... And now you are once again a young child...... DON'T MAKE ME HAVE TO STOP THIS CAR!
  22. Well, shoot. Even I know an 'Oregon' when I see one! I'm guessing Al will be keeping that one. Steph, when you first posted your marble elsewhere without a name, the first thing that popped into my head was 'Burnt Rebel'. But then I started second-guessing myself and wondering whether it could be a similarly-singed 'Christmas Tree'.
  23. Ha! And thanks. It's an honor. ( : A little earlier it occurred to me to take a look at a CVS stock price chart. Up until the time of their tobacco ban announcement, prices had been increasing slowly and steadily for some time. After, they continued to increase, but more quickly and more steadily. Gosh! Those cynical Wall Street sons of unwed parents must not have believed in CVS's willingness to lose money!
  24. "Space Helmet" That's what I call it. No idea who made it.
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