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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Absolutely. Same marble I showed in the 'potpourri' topic a while back.
  2. Works for me! And the fact that it took creative effort to see it makes it more 'valuable' somehow. Also liked the last post for last month. Still not a big fan of orange overall, but it looked really good combined with that green.
  3. I really like I'llhavethat1's photo. And don't even know how to explain it to myself, much less anyone else. But it's way more than a snapshot. It 'asks' more questions than it 'answers'.
  4. I think this marble was referred to as a 'cherry lemonade' when I got it many years ago. But I've seen pictures of what has to be the same mib labeled as a 'moss agate'. And more importantly, a highly respected ID-er here also called it that without my even asking. Took a look around, and found some marbles listed as cherry lemonades where the red section isn't transparent like this one. The vaseline part is the same. Whatever this is, I'm guessing that moss agate is a proper Akro name, and that cherry lemonade is more of an 'aftermarket' name, but don't really know. Hope some of the heavy-duty Akro people can clear this up for me. Thanks! ( :
  5. Once again, Darla adds a new word to my vocabulary! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoria
  6. Hey, Edna! All nice, as always. I particularly like number two, so I'll pick on that one to avoid my habit of talking too much. It has a distinct sense of 'motion' to it. Similar to the 'road and tunnel' concept Galen showed us earlier today. I feel like I'm being sucked up into a 'black hole', but in a very pleasant way! ( :
  7. Oh shoot! I missed a couple posts! Guess it's already been decided! Not sure how much I like the color, but it definitely sounds like a 'challenge' and that's a good thing.
  8. Absolutely! I wonder if some of us remember a style of animation that is no longer done. Maybe the young people just don't 'see' it! Come on, Darla! Everyone here loves you, and I'm sure if you're up for choosing the new April color that everyone will be happy with it! (Behind Darla's back) OMG! 24 hours of intense agonizing pressure!
  9. Hey, dbarney2012! It looks really good, but I'm not sure what we're dealing with here. It looks like a cat to me. Is that what I'm supposed to be seeing, or am I just in 'crazy as usual' mode?
  10. You guys can get these at Safeway? Man, our East Coast stores really stink! The cappuccino definitely sounds like the one to go for. ( :
  11. kbobam


    I didn't really start this post. It looks like I did because of a technicality. But I'm very glad it happened. These are incredible marbles, spheres, etc., and sometimes 'accessories', and they're just terrific to see and learn about. ( :
  12. Ha! This is great! Onions and butter were made for each other. Not sure why unsalted butter is so much better, but it is. I don't have much experience, but my favorite food guy Alton Brown is a big fan of kosher salt, so I'm sure you both know what you're talking about. If you haven't seen his show 'Good Eats', please try to check it out. It's the most informative and entertaining food show ever made. Ha again! I wouldn't be able to spell the 'con' word to save my life either. Glad to hear that margarine doesn't exist for you. It's an incredibly evil so-called 'food' that modern manufacturers use to exploit consumers. Because so many people are concerned about eating in a 'healthy' way, the margarine makers lie to your face even though the stuff will kill you. Don't want to end this on a negative note. Let's see. "Cute kittens for everyone!" ( :
  13. It was so gratifying to see all the responses in the 'velveeta post' and realize that there are still people around who like to actually enjoy their food. I'm pretty sure that all the top restaurants have computer 'bots' on this forum, and are currently serving Ann's 'cheese-soaked bacon' to applauding customers. So here's the butter thing. Fresh cool butter and warm melted butter taste completely differently. And they're both wonderful. What needs to be done with something like a toasted bagel is to immediately apply a little room-temperature butter so it'll quickly melt. Then you need to apply some small pieces from a frozen butter stick. You get the best of both worlds at once. ( :
  14. I feel bad that Steph hasn't gotten her fair share of snow this year, since I know she enjoys that. Here on the East Coast, things are just insane!
  15. Whew. Now that I've recovered from the horror of it all, just wanted to say thanks to everyone. ( :
  16. Thanks! I'm going to 'have it' and 'eat it too'. ( : (Never really understood what that means, but it sounds like a good idea!)
  17. Ha! That's hilarious! And from a Canon person too!
  18. kbobam


    I was feeling badly earlier reading the 'agates' discussion and realizing that I haven't always been around in a timely fashion to respond to every marble that I think is terrific. I feel the same way about your 'year' posts. They've always been lots of fun, and I hope you keep doing them! Historical facts that make you feel good can only be a good thing!
  19. Ha! Of course you're right! But not everyone can handle that level of intensity!
  20. Dang it, Darla! Your 7:09 P.M. post came out on top of mine in the general chat index! It would be interesting for some of us to hear the story about the 'found cache', but I'd sure like to do so without getting into a 'semantics' argument. Mon, you make a valid point/opinion, but I personally think you came out of the gate here a wee bit too provocative. Galen's equally valid thoughts included words like 'probably' and 'imo', and were done in a non-combative gentlemanly fashion.
  21. kbobam


    The Purple Fluorite and Lemonade Onyx are very striking in their subtle sort of way. Do either of these get excited under ultraviolet light? Of course for the one marble it's the green color that's making me wonder. And although I wouldn't have suspected the purple one, something about that word 'fluorite' has me curious.
  22. I know you guys are mac and cheese fans, so maybe, like me, there have been times when you've 'looted' the cheese glop packet for another purpose and been left with a box of plain macaroni. I'm going to sleep better tonight knowing that I'll never need to deal with this horrific situation again!
  23. Yeah, well, sometimes it's the little things. But I have to admit I was excited when I saw this stuff. Let's face it. Melted Velveeta is one of those things like bacon. Almost anything you put it on or add it to is going to be better because of it. There's a pretty decent quantity here. I made a big plate of spaghetti for myself, and there was enough to take me to cheesy pasta heaven. So for a buck, this gets my vote as one of those things I always want to have a couple of around. ( :
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