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Everything posted by duffy

  1. still cheaper than the local auction house..but more hassel...at the local auction you dont hafta go thru the trouble of gettin it ready and takin it to the post office....in some cases the auctioneer will come and pick up items to be auctioned...i never did see how sellin things on ebay for .99 was worth it....but lotsa people do...that guy world round starts lotsa auctions at that price...some people just gets hooked i guess...i usually just sell during my winter break...
  2. sad news for sure....everett was always the same every time i saw him...my condolences to the family...
  3. look like both of them use the set a super high snipe and got screwed themselves....i dont use a snipe program im into biddin on what i think the highest is...that way i dont get burnt and overpay...i usually bid on lots with bad pics and 9 times outta 10 find a gem or two...granted those are gettin harder to find but it generally works out...youll never hear me whinin about not being able to recoup my investment...i dont buy the high end stuff one by one...my retirement box is filled by this method...its hard to be 100% satisfied by buyin on ebay...$20 is about my limit and most of my wins are profitable for me....most people think they got a fortune in their hands and are dissapointed when they try to resale...im just sayin....at the shows i peruse the dollar bins....youd be suprised what i find and its fun and i never feel like im gettin screwed...everybody has their own ways of collectin and aquirin their collection....but snipin has never been a favorite for me just because of this senerio...
  4. i think the bidder got burnt by his sniper program....the person with one feedback was biddin and the winner with a ton of feedback won...thats one reason i dont use a sniper program....way to go bert....hopefully the winner has deep pockets and can afford a massive loss like that,if i didnt know bert id call foul....somethin went wrong or right dependin how you look at it....
  5. ....lolol....good old marble connection....a marble is worth what it sells for on a given day...once again i say throw them values in the books away...there maybe thousands found since the author tried to sell his one peerless patch...the buyer determines the value of a marble its up to the seller if he wants to sell it...my philosophy...buy low...sell high...lolol...its not buy high- sell higher....good luck with yer auction..dont hollor about mike hollerin...lolol...
  6. i believe that mike from middleborne has moved his operation to fla....
  7. hey its t.v. ..im sure those guys get lotsa stuff we dont even know about...they buy lotsa signs...some of the ones bullet riddled i was told were junk and my experience at fleas and auctions that they dont sell at a very good price...they rust fast if the enamal or poreclin is damaged...they buy what they know about...anything old gasoline stations is easy to resale...they dont like glassware and i cant blame em there....danielle can pick my junk anytime....
  8. thanks...ive listed another http://cgi.ebay.com/marbles-patch-2011-buckeye-marble-show-/270705110135?pt=Marbles&hash=item3f07482c77
  9. i dunno exactly..i haint exactly read it but thumbin thru its about a kid and marbles...the last line of the book is i said mark my words,beado,someday that lad will be master of the mibs...lololol
  10. sure mike!!! lolol..its got purty big print.....
  11. i found a copy...no dust cover....its for sale...contact me....thanks steve
  12. those looked like those tennesee river scam marbles..related to the atlanta ones...you should always be wary of lots of big marbles...
  13. ill bet the water tower sez paul wismac glass company...ron...i can see what youre sayin...dont know...can we match up any smoke stacks???
  14. dont know ron...all i know is what is written on the picture..we would have to ask the owner of the picture?? i always thought that wissmacs glass was moved to its present location....from down on the other side of the street....i dont know why...can you read whats on the water tower??i would like to see the origional of this one!!!
  15. it was in a collection of picture of a friend...i just saw it on the internet...im gonna see if i can see the origional...im thinkin it was a copy of a copy...that low building on the right ended up being part of corning...
  16. no its still the industrial part of the city...thats down in the area where marble king is now..mk would in the right of this pic.
  17. the structure for the water tower is still there(i think)the tank is long gone....im purty sure the chimneys are still there...
  18. found this pic of the alley agate factory..... in paden city....it in this factory complex this is printed on the back of the photo
  19. nice alley insulator...the color is kewl http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270695041695
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