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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. Let's hope the buyer reminds the seller to pack these carefully. That's quite a bid considering the pictures weren't all that crystal clear but maybe the fact that the seller accepts returns motivated a lot of bidders. Winner can get the lot, verify condition, and see how many flames are in there then decide whether to keep it.
  2. How about "Jack the Jabo Cat" or "The Cat with the Jabo Eyes"?
  3. There could be some cool collector names for these marbles: -ShootHers -Akro Agony -Ghost Cores
  4. I'm really tempted to ask for photos of the marbles but I think I'll just not get involved with anyone who believes they have marbles with imprisoned souls in them.
  5. Just saw this ad posted on craigslist: I wonder if Alan has ever appraised such marbles and if so, what grading system he uses for the soul inside the marble?
  6. I just got these two bruisers in the mail this morning. Appear to be mint condition except for one sparkle on one. Haven't measured them exactly but I added two 5/8" ones for comparison.
  7. These are beautiful. I can't help but think how many toddlers back in Akro Agate's heyday devoured these marbles because of their rich candy-like colors. It's kind of fun imagining if they were candy what they might taste like, and what candy names we'd give them.
  8. Who knew there was an infinite supply of old marble bags in an auto tools auction? I think his next auction should include a separate box containing all the glass that was chipped off his featured marbles along with a bottle of glue so the buyer can repair everything up to NM condition. Of course it won't be needed for the Golden Rebel since it's wet mint.
  9. Am I having deja vu or is this a new lot by the same guy, also found in the used tools auction?
  10. Notice that the flame marbles on the lower row of photos are showing their best faces. That had to be intentional. Yet, inexplicably, the two mint and most vibrant marbles (that also happen to be mimics of very desirable vintage ones) are hiding in the shadows. If you knew nothing about marbles as this seller is claiming, wouldn't you put that most vibrantly colored one up front if you're already taking the time to carefully turn your flames to the audience? Whatever is going on here, this is not a true "in the wild" vintage lot as no doubt the high bidders are assuming. That makes the seller's title all the more clever: 105 OLD MARBLES? IN A BOX WITH OLD MARBLE BAG? (That's called covering your behind.) Then again, maybe I'm just trying to scare away other bidders so I can win the mint GOLDEN REBEL and SUPERMAN with a bunch of beat up vintage mibs to boot!
  11. I was just looking at that auction earlier tonight and even though I'm still fairly new to this, something didn't feel right about the "Golden Rebel" and the "Superman", especially the latter. They just didn't fit. What I'm confused about is that the seller apparently specializes in auto parts and they claim these came incidentally in part of a larger, unrelated auction for auto tools. So if they're telling the truth, how do we explain this lot? Did some guy get burned who bought the lot originally and in his remorse he packed the box away in his auto tools that he sold? The title is especially curious with two question marks in it: 105 OLD MARBLES? IN A BOX WITH OLD MARBLE BAG? Maybe it should have been: 105 OLD MARBLES? 2 NEW MARBLES? IN A BOX WITH OLD MARBLE BAG? READY TO GET BURNED?
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