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Everything posted by Royal3

  1. But is that a “Unique, Guinea style, Vintage to now?” hairy eyeball Chad lol?
  2. Hmmm…sidewall blowouts? Here’s a real gem of an example - it’s the densest German marble I’ve ever hefted.
  3. My best VG wire pull - call it “whisk-y business” 😉
  4. Bloody heck, it’s Friday again?
  5. Nice Akro corks in that last pic, too, and I agree, CAC slag.
  6. Absolutely, those are just loaded with color, are opaque and look wet and glossy. Great find Melissa!
  7. “This marble is not in perfect condition!” Love that truth in advertising. This other beauty he’s listed “…in fair condition!” looks so good who could possibly resist its charms? https://www.ebay.com/itm/296156055681?hash=item44f446c881:g:8T4AAOSwfVFkNvxM
  8. Gorgeous Ace selection, Melissa! Little known fact - my wife of 51 years (Cheryl) did the graphic designs for the Ace run.
  9. It was called the Eagle Run by the investors. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anythinggoes43567/jabo-contract-runs-all-types-the-dave-mccullough-e-t1767.html
  10. Seems right to me as well, the base glass and strong gather both look appropriate.
  11. I’d second that, a naked gel or jelly core, not a very common handmade - sweet one!
  12. A little pink champagne to start the New Year off right - these were hot off the JABO Ace run in October 2008:
  13. Thanks, I’ll do my best. My first real marble crush was a beat-up green MFC slag with a lazy ‘9’ pattern, but it hooked me. I went on to bigger - and smaller - and much better things…
  14. I thought that beauty looked familiar, Chad, and it was August 2017. It did go to a very good home lol.
  15. Happy birthday! Hope your year to come is as special as those gifts, too. (November birthdays are the best😉)
  16. Those look absolutely perfect, I can almost feel their smooth heft in my fingers.
  17. Far right looks like a Joker I, aka J.E.R.K.
  18. And I have even less hair now, John, by nature and design lol.
  19. No, Popeyes are clear based with wispy white strands and two or more colors. I’d say this is most likely a “newer” cork, mid-late 40’s.
  20. I’m so saddened to learn of Bill’s passing today, he was a grand friend to so many and always a friend to and supporter of this great hobby. Thanks to all for sharing such dear memories.
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