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Everything posted by Royal3

  1. I'm sorry to report that Robert "Brian" Merhar from Hudson, Wisconsin, a longtime collector, passed away suddenly on December 10, 2018. Brian was one of the driving forces behind the JABO Ace run that I was a partner in on October 10, 2008 and I got to know him reasonably well during that entire process. He was one of a kind. My thoughts go out to his family. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/twincities/obituary.aspx?pid=190979965
  2. Thanks for the primer on the process, Alan, I wondered how he made them. They are cute little things, aren't they?
  3. My condolences to all of his loved ones. I had just learned of his passing from a friend - such a shame, he was a gem.
  4. I agree, Steph, based on the photos provided, I think it’s a generous offer.
  5. Royal3


    Marian, Moon Marbles it is, one of the happiest places on Earth for kids of all ages. The owner is a great fellow by the name of Bruce Breslow, and every year on the first weekend in March he hosts his Marble Crazy event. https://www.moonmarble.com/t2-annualevents.aspx And, conveniently, that same week the Kansas City marble show takes place: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/24134-kansas-city-marble-show-march-3-2019/ Scott McBride and company put on a great show. I guarantee if you go you’ll have a both a fine time AND be able to learn more about marbles in a couple of good days there than you’ll pick up from pictures. Go early to the host hotel, visit some of the exhibitors in their rooms, ask questions, and you’ll be amazed at what you see. I’m typing this now at the Canton, Ohio Show, and the halls of the Holiday Inn are filled with happy marble people doing just that!
  6. That’s a fine feat, and a fantastic find. Thanks to all of you folks for this thread.
  7. Welcome back, Dave, and thanks for your fascinating post. I’m really looking forward to seeing more of your collection. - Royal
  8. Steph you’re most likely right, I just wasn’t thinking about a cat (other than my rambunctious tabby who was on my lap at the time, hounding me for his nightly treats 🐱! ) It does have that look.
  9. Royal3


    You’re welcome!
  10. No, not all Germans have bubbles, also called seedy glass, and machine made marbles can also have them. I’d need additional pictures to be sure what this one is. It’s best to take a minimum of two full sides and two ends of a marble for a good ID. It looks like it might be a coreless swirl - three outer bands with nothing in the center with light blue glass. I’d also have to know the size and see the full condition to hazard a guess on price range.
  11. Royal3


    Re “Hi! I'm new to marble collecting, as far as identification is concerned. Can you recommend a good resource for me?” Marian, if you’re looking for a good book or two on the subject I’d recommend American Machine Made Marbles by Dean Six (and others) and Marble Mania by Stanley Block as good places to start - both have lots of pictures and are still pretty relevant, though machine made information especially is constantly being updated as we all learn more of our past. For website links - besides this great board source here, of course - I’d highly recommend marblealan.com, and glasmurmeln.com. The latter site is operated by one of this board’s members, marbleconnoisseur, and has some excellent info as well as pictures of some of the world’s most beautiful marbles. My other recommendation is to find the next marble show nearest you and go, preferably a day or two early, and you’ll learn more there in a short period of time than you’d believe possible. It’s getting harder to find a comprehensive list of such shows, but here’s a link you can check: http://www.kingofalltechnology.com/marbleshows.htm If you’re interested and you care to share what area of the country live in I’m sure we can find an appropriate show for you. It’s well worth if you’re serious about collecting. Good luck! It’s a fun hobby, with lots of fine folks, always something to learn, and best of all - beautiful marbles to discover.
  12. Hansel, you find the most unique items! I think Craig is right, it was likely a prototype.
  13. It looks like a really unusual Helmet to me (I love that shade of blue,) but Ron did Vitro glass ever get that seedy? Of course that could be one reason why it was so unusual.
  14. Great old repurposed safety match holder - every backpacker/camper probably had one of these. I just wish I’d kept mine!
  15. Thanks ”Ronernesto” 😉 - I appreciate it! Really nice one.
  16. Royal3


    Glad to see you, Ernesto!
  17. Really interesting marbles; they do appear to be a different Vitro in construction, don’t they?
  18. That’s the definition of a bad day for any marble fan.😩
  19. I’ll say! Fabulous shot. Ron, is that last one a furnace swirl?
  20. Thanks to Lou and Steph for all of their efforts, and thanks to Jason for stepping up!
  21. Sorry, Steph - it was a thumbs up - I’m not sure why it squared out. Coulda been the browser I was using. Anyway, yes, it was good, and thank you, back at ya!
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