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Everything posted by b-80

  1. I depend on this site for marble information. I only get to two shows a year so I need to keep up to date on trends etc. I think posts will pick up as we get into 2017. I vote to keep it going. Roy
  2. Just a lot of hype from the seller who is cashing in on collectors ignorance.
  3. b-80

    Mica marbles

    Great looking group Jeff. I don't remember seeing these at the Des Moines Show.
  4. It should be a great time for all attending. If the weather holds and gas prices remain low it should be a record crowd. Roy
  5. I think the most common type of toothpick holder or match stick holder is the white milk glass figure. I have seen several of those. In fact I own one.
  6. From what the pictures show - this is an onionskin.
  7. These are called "Lined Crockerys."
  8. I see two options for you. 1. Ask each antique store you go into if they know of anyone in the area that collects marbles. If they do contact them and start negotiating. 2. Save your money and go to the Seattle show or any other show close by. By March you may be ready to head south to the Kansas City Show. Roy
  9. We are losing more than we are gaining for sure. This is just a list for one marble club among the many that are out there.
  10. September 27th is the date for the Great Plains Marble Fest. Two marble events are being held on the same weekend. Iowa Marble Clubs show on Saturday and then the Marble Society's show Sunday in York, Nebraska. Location, Holthus Convention Center in York,Ne. 1 mile North of I-80 on the east side of the highway. Date September 27th (Sunday) Time: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tables are free No charge for this event. The public is welcome. Memorial: This event is being held to honor those Society members who have passed away. Jim Aicardi Denver, Colorado Alan Basinett Jacksonville, Florida Rich Broyles Omaha, Nebraska Bert Cohen Boston, Mass Thomas Dixon Hastings, Nebraska William Dixon Jr. Hastings, Nebraska Mel Elam Shell Knob, Missouri Norm Green York, Nebraska Floyd Keeton Red Oak, Iowa Marty Kelley Omaha, Nebraska Jim Miller Lincoln, Nebraska George Patrick Grand Island, Nebraska Norm Recknor Polk, Nebraska Wayne Sanders Jefferson City, Nebraska
  11. I believe Bob Block is taking over the show. I would go as an observer on pricing & selling tactics. You will be a lot smarter after the show is over. I hope you know what you have. Roy
  12. Put 100 of them in plastic bags and sell them for $10 a bag and then buy some real antique handmades.
  13. Looks fishy to me. They (Bulgarians) have been selling bulk lots lately so this could be some of them. I'll have to say they are getting better at reproducing marbles. Roy
  14. Rich Broyles passed away on July 4th 2015. He was a founding member of the Great Plains Marble Society and was the Society's treasurer for many years. Rich was an avid collector of all marbles but his passion was contemporary and antique German peewees. Condolences go to his wife Kim and son Matt. roy
  15. How about the contemporary German colored eagle sulphide that sold for $600.
  16. Need some Honey Onyx 3/4 or so. Any for sale out there? Roy
  17. "Football has the Gronk but we have the Grock" - Bill Bass On a salute to Dan Grocki at the Iowa Marble Show. Roy
  18. Hello I usually sell approx.100 misc. marbles in plastic bags for $10.00 each at the marble shows I go to. I have no problem selling out.
  19. Two marble collector giants have passed recently. Bert Cohen and Bud Braunlich. Bud was an avid collector of German handmade marbles and had amassed one of the finest collections in the country. Bud was a original founding member of the Amana Marble Show held in Iowa every June. He never sought the limelight and made most of his acquisitions behind closed doors. I have many fond memories of dealing with Bud at various marble shows. He was a true gentleman, his word was his bond, he treated everyone with respect and dignity. Both Bert and Bud were the "Godfathers" of the marble collecting community. Roy Katskee
  20. Scott, I have found that if you use tier your marble examples from largest to smallest on your shelves and then use mirrors as a back drop you have a very nice visual effect. Also put in a few vintage marble bags for filler to add to your display. Roy
  21. The Kansas City show is one of the best kept secrets in America. Every type of marble under the sun was available. (well almost) A great mix of contemporary, vintage American and antique German marbles were for sale. Great crowd all day. Some vendors stayed beyond closing time to make that last minute deal. Roy
  22. I called a month ago for a room. They told me they are sold out of reserved marble show rooms. SOOO I had to settle for a general room in the hotel population. God only knows where I will end up. But no problem I will set up on Sunday morning in the ballroom. Moral of the story: If your going to go to the Kansas City show call in November, December or January not February. b-80
  23. Any suggestions for removing rust from glass & china marbles?
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