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Everything posted by flanco

  1. I heard about the Alley animals while at the WVMC show. I forgot to ask if there is a makers' mark anywhere. How do you identify them as Alley?
  2. I have one I bought years ago, but the backglass is not as good as that one. Here is a link to the database of pinballs. It was made by Gottlieb in 1969. http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=1589
  3. Now you've gone and done it. My keyboard is covered with drool and is making funny noises. Very nice bunch of marbles! Keep the pix coming.
  4. Looks like the cat must have eaten all the "turkey necks" LOL
  5. Nice bunch of marbles. I should just hide under a tarp in the back of your truck and follow you around.
  6. Thank You! Great bunch of photos Edna. I had two cameras with us and never took them out of the bag. There were so many marbles to see and new people to meet that I forgot all about them. We were 100 miles away in the car when Patty asked if I took any pictures. Oh well, next time. Thanks also to everyone who worked so hard to put on the show.
  7. Are those Ravenswoods or Alleys in the marble rollers? Always good to see the younger set playing with marbles! Had a great time in Vienna, it was a real pleasure to meet you. Hope we can do it again soon.
  8. I will be in Vienna on the 7th. What kind of fishing gear do I need?
  9. Gotta love green! Not quite a Shamrock, but close enough for this time o'the year. Only 2 weeks til St. Pat's!!!
  10. I am running a Mac with 1280 x 960. Don't really know if that is an odd size since I didn't see it in any of the choices.
  11. Here's on of my humble attempts. Just a shade under 3".
  12. The choking hazard warning on the bag tells me that it is the newer version of the red and white label. The colors on the older, 80s/90s bag were the same but without the hazard warning. I can still find them here in one store for $1.99 per bag.
  13. I have been using a photo of a Guinness stout bottle for an avatar for a little while. I decided to change it to a marble photo I took. I went to the control panel and clicked remove avatar, removed the old one and added the new one. Now when I see my posts I have a squashed version of my old avatar. What have I done wrong?
  14. flanco

    Photo Test

    Hope this works
  15. Thank you, thank you. As a Mac user I am not too familiar with codes. I hope photos are easier, I am going camera shopping today!
  16. Lou, Thanks for the quick reply. As you can see I can't seem to figure it out. I went to edit signature erased everything and tried again. Ran it in the test forum and it came out wrong again. I am running firefox on a G-4 Mac does that make any difference? Should I just type my name at the end of posts?
  17. How do you set the signature so I doesn't read like mine?
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