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Everything posted by bubba1

  1. i've never had a problem with him---if sometimes his grading is off, he always describes any damage in the description. d
  2. i agree---i'd be very careful with anything this one puts outs---i've not had the best of luck with him.
  3. all good info and much appreciated--maybe i'll have to send you a couple as a thank you!!
  4. interesting!! i got a couple with this bunch that look just like several in that first set--the ones with the equatorial red band--and a couple of those looks pretty dang close. was there a date (or range) that went along with these boxes?
  5. thanks---smaller sizes??? like 5/8''?? (these are all around that size)
  6. i remember vaguely something about these types that are very peltish----was it a Canadian company?? the dark ones are transparent amber.
  7. very helpful! thanks! i don't know anything about the glass companies and certainly never heard of Vidrio Glass. i'm assuming they didn't make marbles!
  8. from the other stuff i was able to find---this is just the cover. there was an electric piece (that plugged into an outlet) and i guess the "flame" came out through the hole!
  9. picked this up in Kansas City this week......never seen one before. (thanks again steph for the outstanding research!!!) also glows like mad under the 'ol blacklight!!
  10. mammatus clouds are more densely packed together and well defined.
  11. huh....something like this---i was under the assumption these were all dug and the diggers named them "bricks"??---could have been dreaming (or drinking) again though!! LOL this one is 25/32''
  12. ebay is super buyer friendly----if he won't give you a refund, then open a case, return it with delivery confirmation and ebay (paypal) will give you a refund. d
  13. yep--went on tuesday!

  14. bubba1

    Vitro Superiors

    need to have 2 red ribbons surrounding the yellow patch
  15. now that's just dang funny, i don't care who you are!!!!
  16. these guys will be going down tomorrow evening!! take a look see if you haven't already! d
  17. don't see 'em this size very often, 13/16''---looking for a new home!! http://shop.ebay.com/electricmayhem75/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
  18. this big guy will be ending tomorrow afternoon around this time (not my usual end time--had a snafu w/ my scheduler). if you haven't had a chance to take a look, now is the time!! d
  19. put some really nice Alleys on Ebay tonight (Sunday 5/8) http://shop.ebay.com/electricmayhem75/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
  20. these are ending tonight!! don't miss out!! d
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