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Everything posted by bubba1

  1. two sets here....first got a blue Alox "Tit-Tat-Toe" box, with what looks like Alox marbles (5 white/5 green) AND the original instruction sheet. all flaps intact and in very good condition. just wondering about rarity, price range on this one.
  2. wow...that MCS with oxblood AND metallic is just sweet!!
  3. (that would be about $750,000ish then....)
  4. that green/black one makes my heart pitter/patter every time i see it!
  5. just a little heads up---just won a lot from "southern_marbles" on ebay, brand new seller. thought the pic style looked familiar and the Paypal last name was "Rearic" (different first name). now out of Florida...??
  6. here's one i picked up recently---8 vein double white crossthrough
  7. i have first name, last name and address (it's a PO Box) from a transaction (a BAD ONE) i had with him back in February. i don't know if it's appropriate to share publicly, but i'd be happy to give it to anyone who wants it---just shoot me a PM. d
  8. this would be WONDERFUL! one of the main reasons i keep very quiet on this board is that it seemed many times when i'd ask for an ID or offer an ID it was almost immediately "condescended"--- certainly not that 99% of people here were (and are) VERY helpful and pleasant!!
  9. okay----i certainly don't mean to hijack---but i hope i'm staying somewhat on topic. i've had this one listed as a "SPIDERman"---should it be a superBOY??
  10. aaahhh....well, that specific one you linked i think might be a stretch, there are some others right there with it that are very helpful. thanks! http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-5-8-PELTIER-NATIONAL-LINE-RAINBO-SUPERBOY-/200509920758?pt=Marbles http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-19-32-PELTIER-NATIONAL-LINE-RAINBO-SUPERBOY-/200509920510?pt=Marbles
  11. interesting! does anyone have a picture of a "pure" superBOY?
  12. so then one yellow ribbon and the rest orange---would be superboy??? right??
  13. here's a couple more i pulled out of the old "discard" box----not too bad when they're not showing their "buttcracks".
  14. dang....nice one! certainly not something seen everyday!
  15. i was drudging through my HUGE box of very damaged, jabos, cat's eyes, game marbles etc........and this one jumped out and bit me!!! pretty sure it's a jabo classic---sure is a looker though!!
  16. doesn't that suck??? ebay is so crazy sometimes----some days i'll sell a swirl for $15 that I was expecting $1 or $2 and same day NLR for $3 or $4 expecting $15 or $20...????
  17. i agree that it might be tough to find one better than that one!
  18. okay finally got around to some pics----here's some more oddballs that were in the same group as the ones posted earlier that i think might fit right in those boxes.
  19. i sold a similar one a couple months back, but it had a little purple.
  20. that's just a shame---if you need to dispose of them properly, i'm free this weekend!
  21. by the way---if anyone just can't stand their watermelons any more, i'd be happy to give it a good home!! LOL (one of the few i don't have)
  22. i've got a few more----that pic was just a handful out of ONE of my displays. wish i had the time to catalog them all--- little at a time i guess!
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