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Everything posted by ann

  1. Yes, not talking about the German handmades -- I was thinking of the German machine-mades that look a lot like Christensen one- and two-seam slags, but seem to have the white distributed much more evenly, or regularly. This one of bermar's has that "very regular" look, but I've only recently started learning about the German machine-made banded or striped transparents, so I don't know if they also come (or came) in opaque versions. If they do, then that would be my guess for this one. If not -- no clue! But a nice diaper fold anyway! Ann
  2. Wow. Don't know. Did the same folks that made the German banded transparents make banded opaques? I don't know very much about machine-made Germans. Anybody?
  3. Now I'm gonna have to go back and look at my (pitifully few) miller swirls . . . they're so whirley I didn't even associate them with the seam angle!
  4. Diaper fold # 2, and it's a beauty! Thanks Ric! Ann
  5. No need. Just do you have any photos that show vintage diaper folds, from an angle that shows conclusively that there's only one seam? That you'll post for "free?"
  6. If you're referring to photos of examples you've posted, it's not possible to tell from the head-on views if they're single single-seam examples or not. I believe this was also mentioned by another poster who asked for additional views, which have not yet been provided. The blue slag example posted by modularforms presents the side-on view that enables us to see that it is, in fact, a single-seam marble, or "diaper fold." If you have that view of any of your examples -- just the vintage ones -- please post them for those of us who are interested. Ann
  7. (whisper) You've just posted the first vintage diaper fold in this thread. Thank you! (you didn't hear it from me. I'm outta here too -- thread wise. Probably.)
  8. It looks like a Pelt Rainbow to me -- and since only marbles with one seam can be described as diaper folds, no, it's not one. Pretty much by definition, a Pelt Rainbow (of any variety) has two seams. Sometimes the seams are a little wierd, or close together, but they're both there.
  9. Unfortunately, I don't have enough CAC SOs to offer a percentage, but I have a good collection of CAC slags, and most of them are double seamed. Maybe 10% diaper folds, or even slightly less. Not saying that I have a representative CAC slag collection, just a fair number (maybe 40?) in a wide spectrum of colors.
  10. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Diaper folds. Got any good ones?
  11. Uhhhh. Yea. Isn't the title of this thread "Diaper Folds?" This has the potential to be an interesting thread, since there are some mighty fine diaper folds out there in the world. Put up some nice ones. Not sulphides, onionskins, joker-type swirls, and whatnot. Diaper folds. Make everybody happy.
  12. And the point of this thread is . . . ?
  13. Got it -- then these are probably related to those georgeous "confetti" (some used to call them "cloud") marbles that are so hard to find, that people have recently been thinking are Chinese instead of German? Anyway, wow. Sure would like to see some - - - Ann
  14. Speaking of the sulphide -- I've never seen one like that either. Would it be too much trouble to take and post a few more photos of it? Different views? I'd love to see that -- Thanks, Ann
  15. I've gotten a fair number of really nice marbles from Bob. They're always "as advertised."
  16. Great examples, VTAndrea, thanks! (I gotta get a camera, gotta get a camera . . .) Ann
  17. The colors don't have to be primary colors (red, blue, yellow). They can be any two colors, plus wispy white, in a clear (colorless) base. A true hybrid Popeye has a third color that is NOT the result of the blending of the two main colors. For instance, if a blue and yellow Popeye (both primary colors) had a band of green between the blue and yellow, it would be a blended Popeye (blue + yellow = green), not a true hybrid. If a blue and yellow Popeye also had a purple, red, or orange band, it would be a hybrid. Another example would be a red and yellow Popeye with orange in between the red & yellow = a blended Popeye. A red & yellow with a blue, green, or purple band would be a hybrid. To make things worse, you might be able to say a red, yellow, and orange Popeye was a hybrid if the orange didn't occur between the red and yellow bands, but on the other side of either the red or the yellow - - - Whee!
  18. I'm no expert, and they're really awful photos, but the colors just don't look right to me - - - Ann
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