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Everything posted by ann

  1. Another interesting one from the same source -- http://home.cogeco.ca/^browse/crease/crease.html Never mind, can't get the link to work. Sorry! By the same guy, Roger Browse. Maybe you can get to it by just googling him - - -
  2. Also check this out -- http://members.kingston.net/browse/transpics/trans2.html Ann
  3. Agree with 1Dan$ that all have melted pontils --
  4. Kool! Doesn't look much like a . . . no, never mind.
  5. That lobed solid core is a beauty, and so is it's twin! Can't wait for Santa to bring me a camera . . .
  6. Sure would like a couple of those Vitro cat's-eyes - - -
  7. The -- ah -- thing itself isn't that interesting. The original English "Spotted Dick" is a kind of bready pudding with raisins . . . you can actually buy it here (which I've done for a joke) in cans, Heinz brand, if you have a good grocery store. What I want to know is - - - How the name "Spotted Dick" came about (or maybe I don't want to know), and/or how it caught on, and What the heck a "Spotted Dick" marble looks like (or maybe I don't want to know). Maybe just a tiny picture?
  8. I'm already drooling over the purple mica. Nice, Pete!
  9. What he said. Can't wait for Sannyclaws to bring me a new camera so I can start posting pics too. Got some threads I want to explore!
  10. There are people on this board who love handmades and non-glass mibs -- I'm one. Post away!
  11. I don't know nuthin either but I got two of these in my "mystery marble" box. They're kinda nice, whatever they are.
  12. ann

    Coral Swirls

    I think it's in the archives here on this board. I know I stumbled across it here. Maybe Steph's study hall? But I think it's in the archives - - -
  13. Don't know about guilty. But he sure looks happy!
  14. Top row, 3rd and 4th ones. No, wait. 3rd row, 1st one. No, no, second row 1st one. No . . . wait . . .
  15. YES! Although I might want to argue with marboman about there only being eight colors and then blends. From that perspective, there are really only five colors, if you count black and white -- the other three being red, yellow, and blue -- the only colors that can't be made by blending any other colors together. And, acourse, we could debate whether or not black and white are colors, if you want to, or are they the absence of all colors and the presence of all colors? And acourse, they switch, depending on whether you're talking about pigment or light . . . Gee, I love marbles . . .
  16. What he said. (You can have all my anchovies, Griff).
  17. The sort-of-flowing long tail was the main cause of my throwing in the horse with the rhinodogpig. Maybe a fat lioness? Those chubby legs. Rhinolion?
  18. The green mica and the red/blue onionskin look to be in the best shape, and therefore the two with the most value. Could we see close-up photos of just those two, including views of their north and south poles? Do you know the name of the ship? Great story - - -
  19. Hmmm. Maybe in the middle one on the top? On the other hand, the middle one on the bottom really does seem very triceratops-ish . . . But those rhino legs . . .
  20. They really aren't mutually exclusive ideals -- one CAN do both. Not sayin' it's always easy.
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