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Everything posted by ann

  1. Yep, that's them! I also have a brown one and one that's more-or-less black . . . the black banana is "jelly" like, and without much edge definition . . . just kinda "dissolves" into the bubbly clear.
  2. Seems like billions and billions! Welcome to the obsession. For antique marbles, I think the very best book is Paul Baumann's "Collecting Antique Marbles," but it might be a bit much to start with. Some websites you should take a look at: joemarbles.com peltiermarbles.com landofmarbles.com And explore this board -- Steph's Study Hall and Archived Threads!
  3. Don't forget "Estate Marble." One of my favorites.
  4. Me neither. But no clue what.
  5. Agree with bigjohn - - - just an opinion, but to me the word "guinea" is very tightly linked to (#1) the variety of the characteristic colors on the surface (the lavender, light green, blue, and on and on), whether they're sploched or striped or swirled or some combo of both, and (#2) the transparent base (of whatever color, clear, amber, cobalt). I'd be willing to think of a marble as an opaque guinea if it had the same characteristic colors/distribution of colors as a "traditional" guinea . . . just on an opaque base. To me the marble in question is a lovely two-color CAC striped opaque with a bit more action in the striping than usual. I'd think of it (and others like it) as a "fancy striped opaque" way before I'd go to the G word . . . Even more, however, I wish it were mine! Nice, nice mib! Sob.
  6. I'm not persuaded that there's any reason to tack the name "guinea" onto this type of striped opaque. I don't think Block really gives any adequate reason for doing so . . . Having that mib and calling it a CAC striped opaque -- especially calling it mine --would make me VERY happy!
  7. Must be -- not sure why they appeal to me so much -- old ivory color? Mysterious numbers? Now I'm gonna be puzzling over THAT for a while . . .
  8. Thanks, Ron -- Just missed the Texas show (Steve Sturtz ALMOST talked me into it) -- would like to have seen them! The few I have are so odd they're interesting to me . . .
  9. I have some crazy Bogards that look like Peltier bananas -- except the base glass is seriously, seriously bubbly (like yours, Jack) and the "bananas" are translucent and fuzzy . . . very wierd "banana" colors too -- one is a slate blue I haven't seen anywhere else. Anybody else have any of these wacky cats?
  10. I like the "16" marble! And what's the one directly under it?
  11. Ooooooooohhhh there they are! Thanks, Dani!
  12. I have a few nice gutta perchas but haven't figured out my new camera yet -- so I'll appeal to zaboo to post a few of hers that have VERY intricate designs -- they're really something (and thanx for being willing to sell me MY intricate gutta perchas, Dani!)
  13. Good point Sue -- I don't think it's backlit in photos 2 and 3, or at least not enough to overpower the front lighting . . . but as badly as I want to say something about the colors being ALL WRONG I'm trying to refrain, having promised myself (and others!) I would no longer base an ID on color, since the color reproduced by cameras and monitors is not reliably "true." That said, I admit I AM having a hard time pinning down exactly what's telling me "this is not right." I have seen a number of guineas lit from behind, and they just don't look like this. Something's off about the structure, and something's off about the transparancy of the colored spots, and the seam, well, it's kinda funny looking too, and . . . I don't know. I wouldn't give anybody five bucks for it myself. But some people obviously would!
  14. "European" was my first thought at first viewing, too. And not a particularly nice one . . .
  15. Not just guineas. UGLY guineas. There are that many people out there who think this is a Christensen guinea??
  16. He didn't get the whole truckload 'cause I got a nice handful too!
  17. Looks more like a Pelt multi-colored swirl to me -- but could be just a not-so-hot photo.
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