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Everything posted by ann

  1. You have the wackiest marbles -- I love them!
  2. You're right - I have one old Japanese cat's-eye (cross-through) where one of the vanes (which are relatively small in comparison to similar ones I have) is covered with aventurine to a shocking degree. Certainly not up to the level of the recent special run Jabos, but pretty dang close -- almost like green glitter. Only one I've ever seen quite like that. Ann
  3. Gorgeous four-color! And since I have one too, I'm not really even jealous this time! Ann
  4. I've never seen one that small either --
  5. Well, it's me too. Out-of-roundness has never stopped me from purchasing an antique hand made,and neither has the roughness of the pontil marks. Crucial for me are type, condition, size (smaller than 1 1/8), rarity, quality of workmanship displayed in the core and/or outer decoration, and whether or not I already have a better-than-good example. I think a lot of hand-made collectors feel the same, since such marbles don't actually have to "work" as marbles anymore. The rounder the better of course, but it's not really a factor for me. And sorry, but I don't even LIKE the contemporaries with "stuff" on them (JUST MY OPINION, OK?), and don't -- just can't -- consider them "marbles" either - - -
  6. I remember it on ebay too. Didn't bite for same reasons. Dirt postage?
  7. Wow. Now THOSE are what I call horizontal swirls. I'll try not to be upset that I don't have even ONE. Ann
  8. They also turn up on ebay from time to time, but not often --
  9. Yep, naked (no outer deco) thick single-ribbon core. Really thick, but the construction keeps it in the ribbon category, rather than the solid core category, I think. Nice one! (And a relief! I started with and still love and collect the old ones, but don't see many here. Bring 'em out of the woodwork - - -) Ann
  10. ann


    Now them are flames. Makes me want to weep with frustration. Why not me? Why aren't they all mine ?? Why can't I have just one of them??? Why??? Why??? OK, I'll stop now - - -
  11. Thanks for bring up something I was wondering about just last night. I know zip about MK and Masters -- but since one of my Mystery Mibs was just tentatively id'd as a MK "blended bee" here yesterday on another thread, I got it out last night, along with the two (I know, it's pitiful that I only have 2) MKs I know I have . . . On the "bee" the cut lines are straight. What does that mean? I haven't paid much attention to Akro patches (and their cut lines), although I think sparkler cut lines are a little curved, and I seem to remember that Peltier cut lines are usually curved, and so are those of most CAC 2-seamers . . . Can you steer me to an older thread, maybe, if straight vs. curved cut lines has been discussed before? Thanks, Ann
  12. Seems like I remember a discussion of the (mis)use of the term "slag" for the slags we know and love in one of Marlow Peterson's books -- maybe not the 1st edition but the second? It was pretty good -- I'll try to remember to look it up tonight when I get home. But I'm old. I might forget. Ann
  13. Hard to tell from the photos, but it could also be one of the thick single ribon cores. Is there any space at all between the blue "edges" and the red-and-white ribbons?
  14. Wow - looks like one of my Mystery Marbles. I have one very much like this, minus the thin streak of orange, and the purple is transparent. I think it's about 9/16, too. Could mine also be this? Am totally ignorant about MK -- Ann
  15. I love this post. My day is made. Ann
  16. ann

    Black Cats

    I have 4 I think are Bogard -- they have the slight vane separation, but are more very dark brown (extremely thin, almost transparent) with the sprinkling of bubbles. Opinions?
  17. I guess you're not going to give it to me.
  18. Just my 2 cents -- I think the term "West Virginia Swirl" came into being initially as a way to refer to mibs that were generally believed to be from the WV region but weren't recognisably by a "known" company -- basically nice to better-than-nice examples that couldn't be labeled as "Ravenswood," "Akro," or any of the few other marble companies that were the first to have their products recognized individually. The term may gradually fall out of use now that the other, smaller companies' mibs are being studied, and more and more can be attributed to their makers -- like Alley, which is beginning to come into its own as a producer of some really outstanding marbles. Maybe none of the other companies produced such a variety of stand-outs, but I know that you guys out there who have more access to and experience with swirls that might be Heaton, Cairo, etc., will eventually figure some of it out. For instance, I really like the distinction feelinmarbelous has shown us here between Alley & Ravenswood flames. When I saw it, I realized it was something that had been kicking around in my subconscious (or somewhere), but it hadn't surfaced as an "ah-ha" until just now, with good comparison photos. Thanx - - -
  19. Black is scarce in any cat's-eye, but I've NEVER seen a black cross-thru. The use of yellow and white with with the black just makes it very, very striking. So can I have it???
  20. Waaaoooow. Can I have it? Please. I really want it.
  21. So glad to hear others have those dreams - - -
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