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Everything posted by ann

  1. What he said! Who he? A solitaire-game publisher?
  2. Maybe I got the resizing right this time - - -
  3. ann

    Folding Up the Tent

    The eastern part of it. It's the town I grew up in. Pop.2,500 then, 1,500 now. Marsh and piney woods. Pecan trees. Can go to the library & grocery store on your bicycle. Just down the road -- or river -- from The Lost Colony. Just behind the Outer Banks. Blackbeard's turf!
  4. ann

    Folding Up the Tent

    1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . GO
  5. Yep. Riding off into the sunset. Taillights. Roaddust. September 30 is my last day at work. Ever. Ever ever ever. Retiring into genteel poverty with all of my marbles. Already signed a lease on an old but refurbished two-story wood-frame house with a front porch and a back deck and a nice big backyard in eastern North Carolina, 1/2 block from the river. So . . . from here on, into sometime in October, my appearance here may become a little . . . spotty. I have a lot to do. But I shall return. How's your move, Steph? I could use some encouragement . . .
  6. Nice. A simple white MFC slag . . .
  7. One of my favorites -- still --, years after Alan B. sold it to someone else, not me (sob) . . .
  8. Wow -- I've heard and read of that but never knew anyone semi-directly who had experienced it . . . I don't know what else you might call it . . .
  9. Guess you're not Buddhist. Or Hindu.
  10. No prob. Your mental health is important to me.
  11. Closest ribbons I could find. Sorry it's not a better pic -- marble didn't come home with me.
  12. Since not knowing for sure is causing you distress, I suggest you send it to me and put it out of your mind.
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